Fertility, fecundity, famine: food rations in the dutch famine 1944/5 have a causal relation to fertility, and probably to fecundity Severe nutritional deprivation during the Dutch famine of 1944/5 markedly reduced the number of conceptions resulting in births. There was a lag period of ... Z...
The quantum kinetic equation is used to study the renormalization of thermoelectric coefficient as the electric current response to the applied thermal gradient. We show that the Onsager relation (the equivalence of both methods) is satisfied only when the interaction corrections to the electron and ...
A reinterpretation of the linear heat flow and heat production relationship for the exponential model of the heat production in the crust The conventional assumption of the equality of the slope of the empirical linear heat flow/heat generation relation and the logarithmic decrement in the e... RN...
Revisiting the relation between momentum and scalar roughness lengths of urban surfaces. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 146, 3144–3164 (2020). Article ADS Google Scholar Im, E. S., Kang, S. & Eltahir, E. A. B. Projections of rising heat stress over the western Maritime Continent from ...
2019) in order to assess the relation between heat-related illnesses and ambient temperatures, but this has also required that heat-related illness be sufficiently severe to warrant medical intervention. A limited number of studies have collected primary data on heat adaptation through surveys (e.g...
Basic issues are examined such as thermal conductivity, thermoelectricity, local temperature and heating, and the relation between heat current density and temperature gradient—known as Fourier's law. Both theoretical and experimental progress are critically reported in each of these issues and future ...
Covers the complete discipline of heat and mass transfer in relation to engineering thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, and to transport phenoma of heat and mass in all technical applications,. Publishes results from basic research as well as engineering applications such as heat exchangers, process,...
The resources analysed in this research include a range of financial, natural, physical, human and social resources involved in shaping resilience to heat and cold events and used in adaptive behaviours. Using Lisbon, Portugal as a case study, we explore these dimensions in relation to older ...
2024). At seeding stage, temperature over 30 ◦C will lead to disrupted water relation, restricted root growth and significant decrease photosynthesis rate in maize (El-Sappah et al. 2022). In reproductive stage, temperature over 35 ◦C shortens the reproductive period, decreases pollen ...
(5), the direction of the energy current is therefore reversed whenever the decrease of mutual information compensates the entropy production. The fact that initial correlations may be used to decrease entropy has first been emphasized by Lloyd34 and further investigated in refs. 35,36. Heat ...