At any rate she left the porch, and Stumpy MacPhail and the twins went on off home. She bolted the front door and looked all around to see that her goods were in order. Then she went to the kitchen, which was at the back of the store. The hunchback followed her, dragging his suit...
Plaque tends to build up slowly. You may not have any symptoms until your arteries are significantly narrowed so that your heart has to pump really hard to get blood to all the different parts of your body. If you do have symptoms, the most common one is stable angina. This is when yo...
somebody’s heart rate (=the number of times someone’s heart beats per minute)Your heart rate increases as you exercise.adjectiveshealthyEating oily fish can help maintain a healthy heart.a bad/weak heart (=an unhealthy heart)The effort proved too much for her weak heart. コロケーション...
Read and rate the ingredients In general, products that have fewer ingredients – and ones you can pronounce – are less processed and better for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself: Does this food contain more than five ingredients? Does it contain unhealthy fats like coconut oil?
If your heart rate goes this low, your doctor may call it junctional bradycardia. Sinus pause (also known as sinus arrest) If you have sinus pause, your sinus node doesn't trigger your heart to beat every once in a while, so your heart may miss one or more beats. You may have ...
Patrick would benefit from seeing a cardiologist on a regular basis as well as being involved in a healthy heart program which is often offered through hospitals. He may also benefit from seeing a dietitian to see if he can lower his cholesterol levels through diet. After he is treated and ...
Eating a diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and limiting sugar, salt, and fat content can go a long way in lowering the risk of heart diseases. Stress Management And Sleep Habits img source: ...
The immediate death rate outside of the hospital from a widowmaker heart attack is about 12% and inside the hospital the mortality is 27%. What causes a heart attack? Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis, also called hardening of the arteries, is a gradual process where fatsandcholesterolbuild up insi...
“During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stages, your heart rate and breathing slow, and your blood pressure goes down. These changes reduce stress on the heart, allowing it to recover from the day,” Dr. Winter says. Without sufficient sleep, you don’t spend enough time in the ...
One of the most difficult challenges in medicine is predicting heart disease at an early stage. In this study, six machine learning (ML) algorithms, viz., logistic regression, K-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, decision tree, random forest class