定义:心力衰竭(Heart Failure, HF):是各种原因引起心脏结构或功能改变,导致心室充盈和(或)射血功能受损,心排血量不能满足机体组织代谢需要,以肺循环和(或)体循环淤血,器官、组织血液灌注不足为临床表现的一组综合征,主要表现为呼吸困难、体力活动受限和体液储留。 分类 按部位 左心衰:肺循环淤血 左心泵血减少→...
In contrast to recent guidelines, the majority of the intervention trials conducted on the topic till date found a promising role of ICD only in the prevention of SCD in NYHA class II HF. One of the trials which found a significant role of ICD in type III heart failure was underpowered. ...
. New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class improved significantly from baseline (NYHA ≤ II: 17%) to 1-year follow-up (NYHA ≤ II: 78%) (p < 0.0001). While MR reduction was comparable between ...
In a multi-center open-label trial, implantation of an electro-stimulator device around the right vagus nerve and chronic nerve stimulation for one year significantly improved quality of life, ejection fraction, and a six-minute walk test in 23 NYHA class II/III patients.167 The INOVATE-HF ...
(n = 304) showed that the majority of registered patients had severe symptoms of heart failure (HF) at baseline (NYHA functional class III in 63% and functional class IV in 17%) (8). In addition, NYHA functional class IV independently predicted long-term mortality (hazard ratio [HR]: ...
The NYHA functional classification has proved to be clinically useful and it is employed routinely in most randomized clinical trials. The other describes HF in stages based on structural changes and symptoms. All patients with overt HF are in stages C and D. Heart Failure :Diagnosis According ...
New York Heart Association functional class, heart failure duration >12 months), heart failure etiology (ischemic, hypertension, dilated, rheumatic valvular, nonrheumatic valvular, other), inpatient recruitment, patient education level, chronic heart failure treatments (β-blocker, renin-angiotensin system...
In patients with symptomatic heart failure (NYHA class II to IV), a reduced ejection fraction (≤35%), and sinus rhythm with a rate of 70 beats per minute or higher, ivabradine improves symptoms and ejection fraction and reduces the risk for hospitalization for heart failure (but not mortalit...
New York Heart Association Classification of Heart Failure The NYHA classification of HF is a subjective evaluation by a clinician to delineate the functional capacity and symptoms of individuals diagnosed with ACC/AHA stage C or D heart failure. Serving as an independent predictor of mortality, the...
NYHA New York Heart Association RHF right heart failure RV right ventricular RVF right ventricular failure SGLT2i sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors Preamble Currently available definitions of heart failure (HF) are ambiguous and lack standardization.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Some definition...