定义:心力衰竭(Heart Failure, HF):是各种原因引起心脏结构或功能改变,导致心室充盈和(或)射血功能受损,心排血量不能满足机体组织代谢需要,以肺循环和(或)体循环淤血,器官、组织血液灌注不足为临床表现的一组综合征,主要表现为呼吸困难、体力活动受限和体液储留。 分类 按部位 左心衰:肺循环淤血 左心泵血减少→...
In contrast to recent guidelines, the majority of the intervention trials conducted on the topic till date found a promising role of ICD only in the prevention of SCD in NYHA class II HF. One of the trials which found a significant role of ICD in type III heart failure was underpowered. ...
HFpEF病例状态的定义是存在纽约心脏协会(NYHA)心功能II~III级呼吸困难,左心室射血分数保留(LVEF≥50%),静息时(肺动脉楔压[PAWP]≥15 mmHg)和/或运动时(PAWP≥25 mmHg)左心充盈压升高。排除有射血分数降低(<50%),严重瓣膜性心脏病(>中度左侧反流、>轻度狭窄),肥厚型、限制型或淀粉样心肌病,高输出性心力衰竭...
根据LVEF水平,三种基本类型的心力衰竭又可以进一步细分为射血分数正常的心力衰竭(heart failure with normal ejection fraction,HFnEF)、射血分数高于正常值的心力衰竭(heart failure with supra‑normal ejection fraction,HFsnEF)、射血分数改善的心力衰竭(heart failure with improved ejection fraction,HFimpEF)、射血...
and chronic renal failure in 47% (Table 1). The majority of patients were in NYHA class III (69%) and IV (14%), with an impaired KCCQ score of 44 ± 24. A high proportion of patients were reported to be t...
HeartFailure(HF)Definition Acomplexclinicalsyndromeinwhichtheheartisincapableofmaintainingacardiacoutputadequatetoaccommodatemetabolicrequirementsandthevenousreturn.严重患者发生急性糜烂性胃炎的病理机制可能为胃粘膜屏障功能减弱。胃粘膜的血流减少和可能伴有的酸分泌增加(如烧伤,中枢神经系统创伤和败血症)可促进粘膜炎症和...
In class II-IV, add: MRA SGLT2i MRA SGLT2i *Normal sinus rhythm and QRS ≥ 150 msec with left bundle branch block HF: heart failure HFrEF: HF with reduced EF NYHA: New York Heart Association ACEi: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker ARNi: angiotensin...
status defined by the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, with 19% of patients having a fair to excellent KCCQ score reported to be in NYHA class III.10 In a prospective cohort of 476 outpatients with ...
NYHA heart failure classes are as follows [2] : Class I: No limitation of physical activity Class II: Slight limitation of physical activity, in which ordinary physical activity leads to fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea; the person is comfortable at rest Class III: Marked limitation of ...
The aim of this study was to assess exercise capacity and echocardiographic parameters in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) in NYHA III functional class, after cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation followed by ...