b A diagram displaying the electrical responsiveness of the different heart chambers to similar regional optical pacing across the different mouse genetic lines. c Comparison of effective refractory periods (ERP) determined by RV epicardial optical programmed stimulation in hearts from three optogenetic ...
The BG-HFO-derived CD34+ cells were washed and resuspended in RB+ medium, strained using a 70 µm cell strainer, counted, analysed by flow cytometry and immediately used for downstream analysis. To sort CD34+CD43+, CD34−CD43+ and CD34+CD43− cells, single cells were labelled with ...
Violin plots consisting of cell numbers of ten or fewer are not shown and are labelled as ‘NA’ in those cases. Reporting summary Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article....
Using c-kit antibody, we frequently detected cells in wild-type hearts that were dually labelled with c-kit and PECAM (Supplementary Fig. 10a4,d4,g2 and Supplementary Fig. 11a,f,h,i). In c-kitH2B-tdTomato/þ animals, c-kit antibody immunoreactivity co-localized with c-kitH2B-td...
(Promega Corp., Nepean, Canada) was used as a reference control. After DNA GC check, good quality DNA was digested, labelled, and then hybridized onto the custom arrays. Then, the slides were washed and scanned with either Agilent DNA Microarray Scanner (Agilent Technologies) or GenePix 4000...
After ischaemia reperfusion injury, we found that Rhodamine 6G-labelled leucocytes could easily be identified within the vessel. Indeed, individual leucocytes could be clearly seen rolling along the endothelium (Fig. 5f). In Fig. 5f, we show four consecutive frames obtained at a speed of 15 ...
Using a brightfield synchronisation source also has other potential uses such as fusing and phase-registering multiple fluorescence channels with sparsely labelled (and less clearly periodic) structures39, or acquiring synchronised images in multi-acquisition modalities such as structured illumination ...
The presence of endocardial damage or a differential pressure between two chambers (either between atrium and ventricle, or left and right chambers in case of intracardiac shunt) can facilitate their formation. Valve vegetations tend to be found on the low-pressure surface. They are, therefore,...
The first input (reference) signal that was fed into a pre-processing block is the maternal thoracic PCG signal represented by IST in the block diagram. The maternal PCG signal reflects the activity of the maternal heart (mHR). From the signal processing point of view, the mPCG signal is ...