audible audiclave audience audile audio- audiology audiometer audiometry audism audition auditive auditory auditory apparatus References in classic literature ? The first means of recognition is the sense of hearing; which with us is far more highly developed than with you, and which enables us not...
Nonetheless, EREs like experiences of hearing God speak are problematic reasons to believe. 'Soft' voice-hearing experiences are easily undercut. 'Hard' experiences of anexternal, audible voice are probably underpinned by similar cognitive processes as audio-verbal hallucinations....
Understanding finally dawns as people hear God speak their language. You Speak How Many Languages? Faith Comes By Hearing is committed to provide God's audible Word in the language and format that people engage best. But what about people who speak multiple languages? Find out more about our ...
Their response: Not only did children like the Audio Bible, but they enjoyed listening as well. Word spread internationally of Faith Comes By Hearing and their English Audio Bibles. Impactful collaboration began as pastors desired God’s audible Word in the languages of the people they served. ...
Outside of miraculous visitations and audible voices, our general problem is one of hearing God's "still small voice". What would the Spirit have us do next? This leadership comes through "promptings" to our hearts or minds, which are generally low-risk until we mature. God tells us to ...
After all that is done is when you should stay silent and wait for Him to speak to you. NO it probably won’t be audible (at least for me it isn’t), but thoughts will start to enter your head that aren’t yours. He might just say “I love you” or “I want you to do suc...
Although the group's members were spread all throughout Chile, they continue to intertwine with one another through the love of Christ and the digital campaigns. The community continues to grow to this day, inviting new people to join and encouraging one another with God's audible Word. ...