1. Lightning, as apparently in Job 1:16; for lightning to the unscientific is the fiery bolt, even as thunder is the angry voice, of God (cf. 1 Samuel 12:18, 19). 2. A miraculous outburst of flame from the Presence in the tabernacle, such as slew Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10...
Not only was she so unprepared that she was literally reading off her notes when she was asking Pam Bondi her questions, but she spent all of her time talking over Pam immediately after finishing her question. And notice that Pam gave her the perfect answer by saying that two-thirds of th...
“We all have this negative voice in our heads that tells us we’re not very good at this social stuff,”Sandstrom says.“But the data suggest that people actually like you more than you think they do.” The more you do it, she’s found, the more natural it will feel. Onestudyby ...
And as He approached the descent from the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of disciples began to praise God joyfully in a loud voice for all the miracles they had seen: / “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” ...
Chris Coons: But as many of us have become increasingly aware, algorithms impact what literally billions of people read and watch and impact what they thi...
I hate knowing I was *drum roll, please* 'the planned child.' Suffice it to say, I wish to God that my mother — whom I have no contact with — and that my older sister could’ve kept their toxic yaps shut about it." —Anonymous Advertisement...
and the great things which God had wrought with them, in the different languages of the lands where the strangers had been born. This was clearly not a proclamation of the wonderful works of God in some one language, which the Spirit, acting upon the hearers, caused them to appreciate as...