1a; see the ‘Extended case reports for P1 and P2’ section of the Methods). P1 is a 28-year-old woman. She was diagnosed with pulmonary TB at the age of 19 years, presenting with dry cough, pleuritic pain, fever (40 °C), night sweats, dyspnoea and unexplained weight loss. ...
We performed a monozygotic (MZ) cotwin–control study using the MZ twin pair difference in bone mineral density (BMD) to assess the relationship between body composition and BMD at weight-bearing sites. This study controlled for common genetic factors and applied only to environmental factors...
For insulin secretion experiments in INS-1 cells, treatment groups were randomly assigned to different wells within each 24-well plate. Pancreatic islets were isolated from fed, weight-matched Wistar or GK rats chosen at random. Then, pancreatic islets were randomly assigned to different treatments....
Fig. 2: PLIN5 overexpression in BAT improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity at room temperature with changes in weight and blood glucose only during cold exposure (data for Control mice are in black and for BATiPLIN5 mice in red). a Body Weight at the indicated time points of Co...
In the present study, a total of 12 12-month-old free-range yaks with similar blood profile and weight (6 healthy and 6 diarrheic) were selected for sample collection from Qinghai Province, China, including 3 male and female yaks in each group. The diarrheic yaks were diagnosed by professio...
Although gut mucus layers are vitally important for individual health, the mechanism(s) underlying the maintenance of gut mucosal homeostasis is not completely clear. Gut mucus layer consists of high-molecular-weight glycoproteins called mucin, that are synthesized and secreted by goblet cells. Goblet...
For the analysis of data for this project, we did not separate results by gender. Data from two subjects were unable to be processed and were not included in analyses (one male, one female). Table 1. Participant characteristics. Sex Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m2) ...
Characteristics LRC Group LRE Group Age (year) Sex (male/female) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Body mass index (kg/m2) 103 ± 3 11/19 145.9 ± 10.6 43.1 ± 10.0 20.0 ± 2.8 63 ± 3 12/19 153.7 ± 7.2 49.4 ± 9.4 20.8 ± 2.9 Values are means ± standard deviation (SD). LRC, ...
The protocol marked on the ALPHA-Fitness Battery for measurement was followed at all times [53]. Body composition: The height of the subjects was recorded barefoot with an accuracy of 0.1 cm using a portable stadiometer (Seca 213, Seca, Hamburg, Germany). The weight of the participants was...
For all menstruating female participants, testing sessions were avoided in the seven-day period prior to the beginning of menstruation. Power analyses were performed prior to the start of the study, in order to identify an appropriate sample size. Based on data reported in the literature [24,28...