慢性肝病和肝硬化是香港11大頭號殺手之一,其男性的登記死亡人數較女性為高,在2010年男女比例為2.0:1。 病徵 肝臟在早期發生問題時,絕大部份都不會呈現任何臨床徵兆的,通常只有些少不明顯的徵狀,包括: 食慾不振。 噁心。 體重下降。 感覺疲倦及虛弱。 當肝功能逐漸衰退,患者會出現以下的病徵: 皮膚及眼睛泛黃。
While our bodies are designed to detoxify themselves, overindulging in certain foods and drinks can damage our liver. For example, consuming too much alcohol can lead to fatty liver disease, eventually leading to cirrhosis. So, if you want to protect your liver, it’s essential to moderation....
Differential exhalation of volatile organic compounds in NASH, liver cirrhosis and healthy volunteers — a pilot studychronic pancreatitisconsensus recommendationsdiagnosisendoscopic therapyevidence-based guidelinesmanagementpancreatic replacement therapytropical pancreatitis...
We measured the biliary excretion of iron in 11 patients with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and in 10 healthy controls using an intestinal perfusion technique. In the patients with cirrhosis increased amounts of iron in liver tissue were present. The concentrations of iron in the bile samples...
Vardenafil improves portal blood flow and pressures in both healthy people and patients with liver cirrhosis
Colonic function in cirrhosis of liver and in healthy controls: A.P. Jacob, . Dept. of G.I. Sciences, CMC Hospital, Vellore 632004, S. Indiadoi:10.1016/0016-5085(95)26795-6None
Jespersen B, Fogh-Andersen N, Brock A (1994) Parathyroid hormone in blood pressure and volume homeostasis in healthy subjects, hyperparathyroidism, liver cirrhosis and glomerulo- nephritis. A possible interaction with angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic peptide. Scand J Clin Lab Investig 54(7):...
HEALTHY BEHAVIORS ADJUSTMENT IN THE ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LIVER CIRRHOSISdoi:10.21608/MNJ.2020.179752Mohamed AwadallahSoad Abd ElhameedAmira HassaneenMansoura University, Faculty of Nursing
In a cross sectional approach the intestinal microbiota of 95 patients chronically infected with HCV (n=57 without cirrhosis [NO-CIR]; n=38 with cirrhosis [CIR]) and 50 healthy controls (HC) without documented liver diseases was analysed. Alpha diversity, measured by number of phylotypes (S)...
Effect of smoking on caffeine elimination in healthy volunteers and in liver cirrhosisdoi:10.1016/S0168-8278(86)80392-0Rüegg, U.T.Hefti, F.Journal of Hepatology