3) liver cirrhosis/CO 肝硬化/并发症4) hepatocirrhosis/complications 肝硬化并发症5) intrahepatic/complecations 肝内/并发症6) Hepatitis/complication 肝炎/并发症补充资料:并发症 并发症 complication 又称“合并症”,指在一种疾病的发展过程中引起的另一种疾病或症状,常把后者称为前者的并发症。早期而...
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathyis one of the complications of liver cirrhosis which can be characterized by diastolic dysfunction,high cardiac output and decreased systemic vascular resistance. 肝硬化性心肌病是肝硬化的并发症之一,主要表现为心脏舒张功能减低、心排血量增加、全身血管阻力降低。
2) autoimmune cirrhosis 自身免疫性肝硬化 1. Results: Fatigue, low appetite, abdominal distension, dry mouth, jaundice are the main manifestation for autoimmune cirrhosis. 提示:自身免疫性肝硬化多为隐匿发病,肝脏的炎症活动程度较重,肝脏的合成功能显著下降,腹水是常见的并发症;中医辨证以肝肾不足,瘀血...
Clinical Relevance of Serum Retinol in Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver PDF | Full-text Saxena KNMetabolic Effects of an Inositol-Resveratrol Nutraceutical Combination in Non-Diabetic Overweight/Obese Subjects with Altered Glucose Tolerance PDF | Full-text Della Corte T...
6) liver diseases/RA 肝疾病/放射摄影术 补充资料:放射病理学 放射病理学 放射医学分支之一。 研究放射性损伤的发病原理和在病理过程中机体组织的形态、功能和代谢等方面变化的学科。按研究方法可分为放射病理解剖学、放射病理生理学和放射病理生物化学等。
Cirrhosis, a disease of the liver in which tissue becomes dysfunctional and scarred, is the final stage of most chronic liver diseases and the fourth most frequent cause of death in central Europe. However, until now hardly any current findings have been
Cirrhosis of the liver: 1-2 cups of coffee per day protects against cirrhosis. Parkinson’s: higher coffee/caffeine intake is associated with a significantly lower incidence of Parkinson’s. Weight management: coffee consumption reduces weight gain and improves blood sugar control. ...
Identification of indications for albumin administration in septic patients with liver cirrhosis. Crit Care. 2023;27(1):300. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Liu J, Zhou Y, Huang H, Liu R, Kang Y, Zhu T, Wu J, Gao Y, Li Y, Wang C, et al. Impact of stress ...
[92] and an occupational cohort study, which found an association with the cumulative internal dose of PFOA and an increased risk of liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, and haematologic malignancies in 462 male workers employed in the factory of Trissino [40]. Finally, a laboratory study ...
3) liver cirrhosis/surgery 肝硬化/外科手术 4) Otosclerosis/surg 耳硬化病/外科学 5) liver/surgery 肝/外科学 6) EXTRAHEPATIC/surg 肝外/外科学 补充资料:肝外阻塞性胆汁性肝硬化 肝外阻塞性胆汁性肝硬化 又称"继发性胆汁性肝硬化。*胆汁性肝硬化的一个类型,继发于肝外胆管阻塞而引起的肝硬化。主要由总...