Hi, I am Githu, Certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach and Food as Medicine. I create Simple Healthy Recipes for you that are whole plant-based, vegan, and gluten-free. Perfect for weight loss, these recipes are anti-inflammatory. They will help you heal your body from within. More...
I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for simple and healthy salmon recipes. A few weeks ago, I came across Giada De Laurentiis’s recipe for “Salmon with Lemon, Capers, and Rosemary” on theFood Networkwebsite. I have been dying for the opportunity to try it. So on a...
Soft, beautiful-looking and pink lips are everyone’s desire but how to keep your lips healthy and pink might be struggling and monotonous sometimes. Most of us overlook the care of lips thinking they neither require care nor attention. But with the aim to keep you update with each and eve...
and soups. Ingredients needed, cooking time, directions to cook and other details are well explained. Smoothies, juices, meat, desserts, cake, thanksgiving recipes, halloween, Christmas, new year, ramadan and more. Now anybody can cook. This recipe book will be the best recipe companion for ...
Yes and no.Fruit juice is good for you,but it can be bad for your teeth.So yes,have some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch,but don't drink any juice between meals.Try water.Eight glasses of water a day is good for you.⑤ "I's OK not to eat breakfast."No!When you ...
Finally, remove it from the oven and let it cool down before cutting. See more:Health advantages of fresh ginger juice 7. Pumpkin Muffins This dish is also considered as one of other best healthy pumpkin recipes. Ingredients: All-purpose flour – 2 and 3/4 cups ...
I know it's a bit fast but I'm trying to be sure I get enough protein each day at the very least to avoid muscle loss. Plus I have a lot to lose still and I think it's only fast right now because of the long plateau I had. The woosh effect. I cannot believe I'm at 267...
and soups. Ingredients needed, cooking time, directions to cook and other details are well explained. Smoothies, juices, meat, desserts, cake, thanksgiving recipes, halloween, Christmas, new year, ramadan and more. Now anybody can cook. This recipe book will be the best recipe companion for ...
The secret to making the best avocado toast out there? Smash the avocado with lemon juice, salt and pepper; then top with a hard-boiled egg and thinly sliced radishes. Get theSmashed Avocado Toast With Egg recipe. Mike Garten 34 Make-Ahead Smoothies ...