ALOHA creates great-tasting vegan and gluten-free protein bars made with wholesome ingredients like brown rice protein, pumpkin seed protein, and dark chocolate. Thanks to the protein blend as the first ingredient, sugar is kept to a minimum in ALOHA low-sugar protein bars while protein is high...
Whiledark chocolate, on its own, has a number of health benefits, chocolate candy bars throw all that out the window. They're made with more sugar and processed gunk than anything else, and while some candy bars claim to keep you full and satisfied with crunchy peanuts and other fillings,...
Based on ingredients, the better candy options were all hard or chewy candies. Only one chocolate candy made it in the healthier top half. The bottom half of the list contained mostly chocolate-based sweets, with one exception. Halloween candy ranked from most to least healthy 1. Jolly Ranche...
of chocolate: Hershey's Kisses vs. M&Ms This decision centers on the perennial issue of portion control. While Hershey's Kisses are individually wrapped—and therefore take a little longer to eat than a handful of M&Ms—it's hard not to make a serious dent in what's usually a large ...
7. Chocolate It has been linked to a whole host of benefits to mood, learning, cognition, and memory due to their antioxidant powers. Even better: Research says that regular intake of chocolate can help lower Body Mass Index (BMI). Indulge in a one-ounce portion (that's about 150 calori...
Granola has long been associated with healthy living, although considering all the garbage that's put in granola bars, the link isn't exactly clear. The combination of sugar, corn syrup, and sorbitol, a weight gain-inducing trifecta found in Quaker Chewy Chocolate chip granola bars should be ...
Walk into any supermarket, CVS, or Costco this time of year, and you’ll instantly see a comprehensive display of sticky, gooey, sweet, sugary, rich, fudgy, and chocolatey Halloween candy. How can one possibly ignore the lure of chocolate candy bars at every turn? As it turns out, the...