From this research, Zhai and his colleagues found that patients in need of mental healthcare during the pandemic were not opposed to receiving it virtually. Further, overall mental healthcare accessibility improved due to telehealth. “After conducting our study, we found that many people...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, resources often had to be reallocated and this impacted the availability of healthcare services in many countries. To date there have been few quantitative contemporary studies of inequalities in access to healthcare within and between countries. In this study, we ...
We analysed regional healthcare data referring to the period from March 2020 onwards to assess the availability of acute care and intensive care hospital beds, SARS-CoV-2 tests, and COVID-19 vaccinations. We specifically examined healthcare offered by private accredited provider...
Infection and the use of personal protective equipment among Primary Health Care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Objective: to analyze the frequency and associated risk factors for COVID-19 infection and the availability of Personal Protective Equipment used by primar... JDS Ziani,J H盲Rter,...
AvailabilityforExtraShiftsQureshiK,GershonRRM,ShermanMFetal.November2006 “Readinesstrainingforpublichealthworkersshouldalsoaddresstheirriskperceptionstowardemergencies,notjustthefactualorproceduralelementsoftheirresponseroles.”BarnettDJ,BalicerRD,BlodgettDWetal.Applyingriskperceptiontheorytopublichealthworkforcepreparednesstra...
The severe scarcity of critical medical supplies caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to considerable procurement challenges in the healthcare supply chain (HCSC). As ensuring the availability of such supplies during disruptions is critical, the debate on how to increase supply chain resilience in ...
needs of the patients. Furthermore, the need for reducing physical touchpoints has empowered doctors and patients to be in a closed-looped communication. This results in effective patient care management that removed the barriers to delayed diagnosis, patient privacy, and doctor’s availa...
(B). Impact of infection rates on healthcare workers availability during the peak of infected healthcare workers. Minimum fraction of healthy workers during a simulation as a function of the infection rates. (i) Normal strategy. (ii) Desynchronization strategy α stands for α1 during the odd ...
The pandemic of COVID-19 was a major public health events and had a deeply impact on the healthcare acquired by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term impacts on healthcare service in Chine
China has shifted faster than the US in medical AI from research to implementation, driven in part by the availability of high-quality data, says Topol. “China has a massive data advantage when it comes to medical AI research,” he says, explaining that Chinese researchers can train AI mode...