Healthcare Experiences of Transgender People of ColorPEOPLE of colorTRANSGENDER peopleETHNIC groupsMEDICAL careJournal of General Internal Medicine -doi:10.1007/s11606-019-05618-yDeborah Santiago Barboza da SilvaJournal of General Internal Medicine
Problems with the healthcare system as experienced by people of color Presents results of survey on medical care of disadvantaged people in the United States. Unfamiliarity of Asian-Americans with diseases; Acceptance of being overweight in the black community; Lack of respect for Indians and their...
" Cook said. "Try to understand them as individuals. Recognizing their thoughts, feelings and beliefs can help us break past stereotypes. Providers are busy; it can be hard to find the time. But if we want to be competent and effective in working with transgender people of color,...
Usually, the aesthetics and medical colors are overly practical and focus more on being hygienic and harmless, than on the need to create a healing and eye-pleasing environment. Somehow too often we forget aboutcolor and its power, especially when it comes to the healthcare industry. People vi...
Why color matters The color of a medication influences people’s perception about a medication and treatment even before they start taking them. Furthermore, the color of a healthcare product – such as a diabetes testing device that's offered in several colors – can help a patient form a ...
9 It is equally important to ensure that women and people of color within the organization are ready now or ready soon to fill these openings. In addition to preparing internal succession candidates, companies may want to reexamine external hiring, including whether it is an adequat...
of race-basedemotional distressand harm themental healthof perinatal Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) [[4],[5],[6]]. In this study, we described the race-based emotional stress of perinatal BIPOC when facing discrimination in healthcare interactions, and our findings ...
Improving the health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities T. (2007). Male circumcision and HIV status among Latino immigrant MSM in New York City. Journal of Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual and Transgender Health ... KL Ard,HJ Makadon ...
99designs. This choice makes perfect sense when we consider what customers associate with the color blue: knowledge, tranquility, security and trust. In the stress-filled environment of healthcare, where both well being and finances are vulnerable, blue is tried-and-true way to show your ...
Declaration of interest All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony,...