Healthcare Experiences of Transgender People of ColorPEOPLE of colorTRANSGENDER peopleETHNIC groupsMEDICAL careJournal of General Internal Medicine -doi:10.1007/s11606-019-05618-yDeborah Santiago Barboza da SilvaJournal of General Internal Medicine
Problems with the healthcare system as experienced by people of color Presents results of survey on medical care of disadvantaged people in the United States. Unfamiliarity of Asian-Americans with diseases; Acceptance of being overweight in the black community; Lack of respect for Indians and their...
Transgender people who are also racial and ethnic minorities have a difficult time finding a healthcare setting where all aspects of their identity are welcome, understood and addressed. In a new study published in the October issue of theJournal of General Internal Medicine, a research team from...
Roots Community Health Center was slammed in 2020, with lines for its COVID-19 testing stations stretching around the block and exam rooms full of people struggling to breathe. Ad Patient after patient at the East Oakland clinic extended their fingers so thathealth care workerscould clip on a ...
The medical community needs to find ways to approach and bridge cultural differences so people will be more likely to seek and access mental health care. This includes gaining a firm grasp of the social, biological, and psychological differences among BIPOC and working on culturally sensitive approa...
Within the related epidemics of sex exchange, drug use, and poverty, access to health care is shaped by intersecting identities, policy, and infrastructure. This study uses a unique survey sample of young adults in Detroit, who are exchanging sex on the street, in strip clubs, and at after...
Also, it is unknown whether expansions impacted income or racial/ethnic disparities in these measures, given historically lower healthcare access and utilization in lower income people and people of color. Methods: Data were from the nationally representative Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System ...
ill, and disabled people; in-person workers, including healthcare workers; people who live in congregate facilities or who are incarcerated; older adults; and structurally marginalized and minoritized communities, including low-income communities, immigrants, and Black, indigenous, and people of color...
and healthcare. While protestors and policymakers have put forthmany different versionsof this demand, the underlying emphasis is clear.People of color and marginalizedpeople, especially Black Americans, have an enduring and inalienable right to heal, thrive, and receive the support and care they nee...
and related disciplines to carefully consider every detail that could affect the patient's condition. They strive to implement a full range of monitoring, treatment, and nursing care. In addition, they also observe patient’s body temperature, blood pressure, the color of the blood in the drip...