Measuring health literacy regarding infectious respiratory diseases:a new skills-based instrument[J].PLoS One 2013,8(05).Measuring health literacy regarding infectious respiratory diseases:a new skills-based instrument. Sun X,Chen J,Shi Y,et al. PLoS One . 2013...
Improving health literacy is increasingly seen as a solution to health problems and inequalities. This study assesses how one of the more recent measures of health literacy, the Health Literacy Skills Instrument – Short Form, performs among African American college students, and ascertains ...
The Use of the Newest Vital Sign Health Literacy Instrument in Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease_2018_Elizabeth Perry Caldwel of Pediatric Oncology Nursing2018, Vol. 35(5) 361 –367© 2018 by Association of PediatricHematology/Oncology NursesReprints...
The Health Literacy for School-Aged Children (HLSAC) scale is developed in Finland to measure the subjective HL levels of school-aged children. The HLSAC has been used and validated across Europe. No validated instrument for measuring HL among Norwegian adolescents has been identified. Therefore,...
[49]. The Health Literacy Skills instrument(HLSI)as well as the short form(HLSI-SF)are 25/10 item tools that use real life health stimuli to assess an individual’s health literacy addressing print, oral, quantitative and internet based information seeking skills. The short form is derived ...
The test of functional health literacy in adults: a new instrument for measuring patients' literacy skills. OBJECTIVE: To develop a valid, reliable instrument to measure the functional health literacy of patients. DESIGN: The Test of Functional Health Literacy in... RM Parker,DW Baker,MV ...
Participants were interviewed and asked to complete the SOHLS on the basis of the Health Literacy Test developed by the Educational Testing Service. The SOHLS covered literacy skills: location, integration, generation, calculation and return. Cronbach's α was obtained for internal consistency and ...
Measuring Health Literacy: A Pilot Study of a New Skills-Based Instrument Although a number of instruments have been used to measure health literacy, a key limitation of the leading instruments is that they only measure reading a... L Mccormack,C Bann,L Squiers,... - 《Journal of Health ...
The US-developed Newest Vital Sign (NVS) health literacy instrument measures both reading comprehension and numeracy skills using a nutrition label, takes 3 minutes to administer, and has proven to be acceptable to research subjects. This study aimed to amend and validate it for the UK population...
Parker, R. M., Baker, D. W., Williams, M. V., & Nurss, J. (1995). The test of functional health literacy in adults (TOFHLA): A new instrument for measuring patients’ literacy skills.Journal of General Internal Medicine, 10, 537–541. ...