Scholars recently developing instruments that measure health literacy mainly comply with recommendations of the academic circle by applying multidimensional constructs and mixing up measurement approaches to capture health literacy comprehensively. Nonetheless, there is still a dependence on assessment formats, r...
Given the still recent definition of HIL and inconsistency of its assessment at the international level, this review includes HIL and related constructs such as health insurance knowledge, understanding, familiarity, comprehension, and numeracy, with the goal of identifying assessment tools that cover th...
Yet, little is known about its distribution and its associations with health(-related) outcomes, due to the fragmented nature of the field and assessment tools. The objectives of this study are to (1) summarize information on current assessment tools for HIL and related constructs, (2) ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop a Korean Health Literacy Assessment Tool (KHLAT) and to encourage researchers in the public health education field to look at the concept of health literacy as one of the possible strategies to design and develop more effective health education...
Since equity is fundamental in health care and inequity may be imparted by not addressing variation in digital ability, digital capital, digital literacy and more specifically, digital health literacy, it is critical to consider assessment tools, their ease of deployment and the utilisation of their...
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the health literacy assessment tool METER in the Portuguese adult population. Patient Educ Couns. 2014;97(2):269-75.Paiva D, Silva S, Severo M, Ferreira P, Santos O, Lunet N, et al. Cross- cultural adaptation and validation of the health ...
the current health literacy assessment tools include not only the HLS-SF12, but also the HLQ, HLS-EU-Q47 and other scales, which should be combined with the above scales as validity scales in future studies to further validate the reliability of the scale, so as to facilitate cross-sectiona...
Description: An in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of standard health literacy measurement tools was conducted, including an overview of the kinds of literacy information these tools provide. The conceptual framework for a proposed new assessment tool that would encompass health ...
health literacymedical educationpatient‐centred careHealth literacy (HL) has been widely referenced as a determinant of health outcomes, making the assessment of low HL a fundamental step to plan educational interventions. This study aimed to translate and adapt the Short Assessment of Health Literacy...
REALD-30 word-recognition and comprehension scores were also correlated with measures of comprehension of the dry mouth brochure lending additional evidence for the validity of the REALD-30 measures as oral health literacy assessment tools. A secondary focus of this paper was to assess gender ...