Kolonnenstraße 8,10827 Berlin Japan Nightingale Health Japan KK Welltus Inc Office & LaboratoryUchikanda Mid Square 1FUchikanda 1-16-8, Chiyoda-kuTokyo 101-0047 Singapore Nightingale Health Asia Pte. Ltd. 77 Robinson Road#13-00 Robinson 77Singapore 068896 Sweden NG Health Sweden AB Kungsgatan...
UNIQLO TOKYO Store / Herzog & de Meuron Fibras Orientadas Office / Juan Alberto Andrade + María José Vascones House for Hamacho / BORD Residential and Studio Building at the Former Berlin Flower Market (IBeB) / ifau + Heide & von Beckerath House in Nishi-eifuku / KIRI Archit...
4 Toronto General - University Health Network Canada Toronto5 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany Berlin6 The Johns Hopkins Hospital United States Baltimore MD7 AP-HP - Hôpital Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière France Paris8 Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Sweden Solna9 UCLA Health – ...
Kolodinsky J, Harvey-Berino JR, Berlin L, Johnson RK, Reynolds TW. Knowledge of current dietary guidelines and food choice by college students: better eaters have higher knowledge of dietary guidance. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107(8):1409–13. Article PubMed Google Scholar Pearson N, Atkin ...
The Broome County Health Department has directed a restaurant in Vestal to cease all food operations.
There has been increasing momentum, particularly in the last decade, for new healthcare sensing and monitoring devices, driven in part by advances in sensor and sensor system technologies, which are delivering greater capabilities at economically viable
In mainstream ESS thought, a four-part typology of services distinguishes: provisioning services (direct outputs of human value, such as food), regulating services (maintenance of valuable processes, such as water purification by wetlands), supporting services (processes indirectly valued, such as ...
Predex Pharma LLC, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Samad Jahandideh BIMSB, Max Delbrueck Center for molecular medicine, Berlin, Germany Wolfgang Kopp Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany Christoph F. Kurz Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and ...
1 Pediatric Oncology, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, 10117, Germany; 2 Institute of Public Health, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, 13353, Germany; 3 Institute for Integrative Medicine, Community Hospital Herdecke, Herdecke, Germany Correspondence: Britta Rutert Purpose The treatment of ca...
The Quality of Reporting of Meta-Analyses statement21 and the empiric study by McAuley and coworkers22 indicate that exclusion of unpublished studies produces a systematic positive bias, so we included data from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Web site, data obtained through the ...