Thomas Cowan, MD via this video. It’s lengthy, so you can skip forward to 1:10.00 minutes for an amazing explanation of the mRNA spike protein vaccine, and how the tissues of our cellular anatomy are made of “organized coherent water.” He’s absolutely entertaining and clarifying. When...
Natural apple cider vinegar, found in health food stores, should be a rich amber color with the "mother" quite visible as sentiment on the bottom. The strength of vinegar is important. All varieties of vinegar contain about 4 to 7 percent acetic acid, with 5 percent being the most common...
About:Mache Seibel, MD helps menopausal women struggling with symptoms get the information they need to start feeling better personally, at work and in their relationships. He is an expert on women's wellness and menopause, and an entertaining and informative keynote speaker, thought leader, and...
According to this scenario, we bring a lot of vibrational energetic baggage with us when we incarnate that may determine our behavior and experience of health and dis-ease. It’s all present in our personal energy fields, with which we interact on a momentary basis. Disease patterns that were...
Beta carotene taken with only liquids and no food whatsoever, can sit there in your body doing nothing until you finally have a small meal. Then suddenly you can start to feel the healing directly after. The body needs real food to process food supplements properly. You can break the daily...
Yet that doesn’t stop us from utilizing private farms, private food processors, and private grocery stores in order to get lots of food at very cheap prices. And even the limited intervention in this sector (farm subsidies and food stamps, for instance) have nothing to do with qualms about...
The Broome County Health Department has directed a restaurant in Vestal to cease all food operations.
no health food stores around here carry it...your site is fantastic, I feel like it's just a matter of time before I land on the right combination of ingredients , thanks Dan. P.S. I read your site every day and gleen new info from it, really appreciate it...thanks again, Dan...
Recently, the University of British Columbia, in conjunction with Pharmasave, a drugstore chain, began offering obese people and type 2 diabetics a diet plan aimed at reversal of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The cost of their plan is $500 a month. The diet plan calls for no ...
Low birthweight hotspots were associated with high prevalence of excessive housing cost, unemployment, and poor food environment. High birthweight hotspots were associated with high prevalence of uninsured persons and convenience stores. Programs and policies that aim to prevent disparities in infant ...