Access to Healthcare for People Living in Aotearoa with a Serious Mental Illness: A Social Justice IssueMCKELLAR, DIANNERODRIGUES, AGUSTILIAWhitireia Nursing & Health Journal
Federal Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler, speaking at the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) conference last week in Canberra, called attention to a significant issue in the healthcare sector: unclaimed bulk-billing incentives. Addressing delegates, Minister Butl...
We are the UK's leading health & social care recruitment agency. We help social workers and healthcare professionals from all over the globe find their n...
By•Posted inAboriginal children,Aboriginal youth,Alcohol and other drugs,Closing the Gap,Elder Care,Ice drug,Mental Health,Nutrition Healthy foods,Pharmacy,Prevention,Research,Rural and Remote,Save the date-events meeting conferences,SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL WELLBEING,Social determinants,Uncategorized,Workforce...
Public health bodies worldwide have discussed the merits and drawbacks of implementing mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies. This is an issue that impacts health workers and the entire healthcare industry. Many countries have made vaccinations mandatory for all staff within the healthcare sector, ...
The title of this paper refers to a subject matter that is already being dealt with by many able scholars, for some of whom it is a central preoccupation. The issue of justice in health care has also been an abiding concern of Joseph Boyle (see, e.g., Boyle, 1977, 1996, 2001). In...
advocacy and activism. In fact,a group of pioneering students named “The Rolling Quads” spearheaded a movement for disability rights in 1972 in California. This grassroots activism has not only reshaped the physical world but also catalyzed broader conversations about social justice in architectural...
and willing to destroy democracy to get its way.” She then explains how Republicans are forcing the issue with a new bill that passed out of committee in Tennessee. According to Tannehill, the bill “would bar insurers from doing business with the state if they cover health care for trans...
CHAPTER1|CHINAISSUEGUIDE:HEALTHPHILANTHROPY 13 ofZhaoLiwen(赵力文),secretary-generaloftheBeijingTaikangYicaiFoundation(泰康溢彩基金会),“Taikang YicaiFoundationlooksforspecificdirectionstoworkonunderthegovernment’spolicy[onelderlycare].Weworkintandemwiththegovernment.Forexample,whenthegovernmentisfocusingonelderlyca...
"Well written and with an accessible and engaging style, practice-based issues are skilfully interwoven throughout each chapter of the book. The editors are well established and respected within their fields of applied health/community research and substance misuse/community justice. A wide range of...