Access to Healthcare for People Living in Aotearoa with a Serious Mental Illness: A Social Justice IssueMCKELLAR, DIANNERODRIGUES, AGUSTILIAWhitireia Nursing & Health Journal
interest of justice private and public interests jurisdictional decision-making Previous article View issue table of contents Next article The international reality is that legal procedures are stacked against Third-World victims: while multinational companies have a legal ‘super high-way’ to take the...
Educational collateral damage. Disadvantaged students, exclusion and social justice Search in: Advanced search Journal of Education PolicyVolume 40, 2025 -Issue 2 Submit an articleJournal homepage 55 Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 0 Altmetric...
Care Beyond the Boulevard Takes Health Care to the Streets Homelessness is a widely misunderstood and heavily stigmatized living condition for hundreds of... Reforming Predatory Payday Loans is Not a Partisan Issue Topeka Justice Unity & Ministry Project (JUMP) has a long history of advocating for...
This article raises the issue of distributive justice in health care and points to the need for increased understanding of the nature of health care as a social good. 展开 关键词: Health Care and Public Health DOI: 10.5014/ajot.42.5.295 ...
We excluded both access to healthcare and commuting from our analysis. We excluded access to healthcare as we considered it unrealistic to assume that every household visits a healthcare facility every week, and a single trip was not significant enough to change the conclusions drawn from the ex...
“The ruling upholds the right of all Americans, but especially of women of color, who are already disproportionately affected by abortion restrictions, to make their own private choices for their healthcare,”said Shalaka Phadnis, litigation staff attorney at Advancing Justice – AAJC. ...
No one wants to be sick. No one wants to even hear the words, "You've got cancer." But being able to know that there are resources available to help reduce those symptoms, and not everyone's getting them; that's a problem. It's a social justice issue, and it's an opportunity fo...
Oral health care is an essential yet often unmet need for underserved and underinsured populations in the US. This is a social justice issue that requires national attention from not only policy makers, but oral health providers, public health workers and the general public. This unmet need is ...
Category Archives:access to information February 19, 2025 · 1:03 pm FOI doesn’t need a “purpose” [reposted from my LinkedIn account] At the close of an otherwiseunobjectionable and unsurprising refusalof a Freedom of Information Act 2000 appeal (on the issue of a vexatious request), the...