2. 研究如何在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module 要在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module,你需要创建一个自定义的Nginx镜像,并在构建过程中编译和安装这个模块。这通常涉及到以下几个步骤: 获取Nginx的源代码。 下载并编译headers-more-nginx-module模块。 编译Nginx并包含这个模块。3...
# 使用官方的 Alpine 基础镜像 FROM dockerproxy.cn/alpine:latest ARG VERSION=1.24.0 # 更新包列表并安装必要的依赖 RUNsed-i's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.aliyun.com/g'/etc/apk/repositories RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache build-base libgcc zlib-dev pcre-dev openssl-dev git # ...
FROM dockerproxy.cn/alpine:latest ARG VERSION=1.24.0 # 更新包列表并安装必要的依赖 RUN sed -i 's/dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apk/repositories RUN apk update && \ apk add --no-cache build-base libgcc zlib-dev pcre-dev openssl-dev git # 创建临时目录用于编译 Ngi...
The forked NGINX Dockerfiles with headers-more-nginx-module dockernginxdocker-imageheadersmoreheaders-more-nginx-module UpdatedFeb 13, 2018 Shell Dynamedia/docker-nginx Star0 Docker build for Nginx with ModSecurity, Brotli, Geoip2, PageSpeed and Headers More compiled as dynamic modules. ...
2. Linux环境安装、卸载Docker(131366) 3. Linux 查看内存使用情况(103015) 4. IntelliJ IDEA 注释模板设置(99274) 5. MySQL建表语句+添加注释(98565) 6. IntelliJ IDEA 中创建maven项目(78654) 7. java判断字符串中是否包含中文 过滤中文(67306) 8. IntelliJ IDEA 编译代码报错 找不到符号 符号: ...
A Dockerfile installing NGINX, nginx-rtmp-module, headers-more-nginx-module and FFmpeg from source with default settings for HLS live streaming. Built on Ubuntu Linux. - CodericStream/docker-nginx-rtmp-headers-ffmpeg
# nginx.conf -- docker-openresty # # This file is installed to: # `/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf` # and is the file loaded by nginx at startup, # unless the user specifies otherwise. # # It tracks the upstream OpenResty's `nginx.conf`, but removes the `server` # se...
I'm trying to build this with openresty (in docker) but am getting an error. I have tried multiple versions and it's still failing. Am I doing something wrong? Ive added ENVS for context. My openresty builds perfectly without adding this...
I was unable to get the container to build with modules when requesting headers-more on alpine. Perhaps it is related to nginx 1.23? docker build --build-arg ENABLED_MODULES="brotli headers-more" -t test-nginx -f dockerfile.alpine . ...
Automate your software development practices with workflow files embracing the Git flow by codifying it in your repository. Multi-container testing Test your web service and its DB in your workflow by simply adding somedocker-composeto your workflow file....