2. 研究如何在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module 要在Docker中集成headers-more-nginx-module,你需要创建一个自定义的Nginx镜像,并在构建过程中编译和安装这个模块。这通常涉及到以下几个步骤: 获取Nginx的源代码。 下载并编译headers-more-nginx-module模块。 编译Nginx并包含这个模块。3...
curl-L"https://github.com/openresty/headers-more-nginx-module/archive/v${MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz"-o"v${MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz"&&\echo"${MODULE_CHECKSUM} v${MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz"| shasum -c &&\tar-zxC /usr/src -f v${MODULE_VERSION}.tar.gz &&\ cd/usr/src &&\mv${MODULE_NAME}-...
workaround: replace FROM nginx:stable-alpine with nginx:1.14.2-alpine this has been ongoing since 14.2 stopped being nginx:stable-alpine The headers-more module from apk is compiled against a different binary than shipped in the alpine image. We don't use the alpine repositories for nginx pack...
{module}-1.23.0*.apk; done && rm -rf /tmp/packages: #11 0.471 + . /tmp/packages/modules.env #11 0.472 + BUILT_MODULES=' headers-more' #11 0.472 + apk add --no-cache --allow-untrusted '/tmp/packages/nginx-module-headers-more-1.23.0*.apk' #11 0.474 fetch https://dl-cdn....
Added Linux headers to the VM, to ease the compilation of custom kernel modules. Security For all platforms Fixed a security bug in Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) mode where a user could create Docker volumes sourced from restricted directories inside the Docker Desktop VM and mount them into...
下载nginx镜像文件 docker pull nginx:1.24.0 宿主机上创建nginx_80 目录 html cert conf logs 创建 配置文件nginx.conf 一、Nginx 配置文件 nginx.conf 操作:在 http 模块增加(子配置文件的路径和名称):inclu
Added Linux headers to the VM, to ease the compilation of custom kernel modules. Security For all platforms Fixed a security bug in Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) mode where a user could create Docker volumes sourced from restricted directories inside the Docker Desktop VM and mount them into...
nginx-clojure是个第三方Nginx模块,官方的介绍是Nginx module for embedding Clojure / Java / Groovy programs, typically those Ring based handlers nginx-clojure模块支持嵌入式Clojure(闭包)、Java、Groovy等基于Ring的处理器(handler),那什么是Ring呢?
# 1.创建一个nginx容器 docker run -it nginx # 2.查看docker运行的容器(可以获取到这个容器的id) docker ps # 3.访问这个容器 # 进入这个nginx容器(进入的文件系统和宿主机是完全隔离的,有自己独立的文件系统) docker exec -it 73877e65c07d bash # 4.查看当前容器的 IP docker inspect 73877e65c07d # ...
7、❗❗❗启动该容器里的nginx服务器 8、启动后端B 9、查看已启动服务 10、测试 方式一:通过两个容器部署 1、部署前端 1.1、指定前端向后端请求的BASE_URL 比如:,这里的7777是Docker部署后端时linux的本地端口,即7777:80,80是后端配置文件中指定的端口。