1. Difference between Work Area and Header Line 工作区与标题行的不同之处 原文地址: http://www.sap-img.com/abap/difference-between-work-area-and-header-line.htm 我翻译下,嘿嘿 在对内表进行一些操作的时候,比如增加或者取回一条记录.我们必须暂时保存这条记录. 这条记录就保存在内表的工作区里(work...
If a header line exists, therefore, an ABAP program includes two data objects with the same name (the actual internal table and the header line). The internal table and header line are accessed as follows: Many processing statements for internal tables have obsolete short forms in which the ...
sap_style ='Key'.CALLMETHOD document->new_line.CALLMETHOD document->underline. "Draw an underLineCALLMETHOD document->add_link EXPORTING * NAME = url ='http://www.87cool.com'tooltip ='水寒冰居'text ='87Cool'* DESTINATION_IN_DOC_SET = * DESTINATION_IN_DOC_POS = * TABINDEX = * HOTKEY...
... WITH HEADER LINE ...Effect This addition to the statements DATA TABLE OF, DATA RANGE OF, and the obsolete statement DATA OCCURS (which is not allowed in classes) declares a further data object alongside the internal table, known as the header line. This object has exactly the same ...
Thanks for your reply. One problem still remains. The internal table xkomv is only filled with the data from one single item at a time.In addition, the system loops over these userexits about a dozen times.As I want to make a comparison at header level, it would help to ...
abap alv multiple header using write A standard SAP ALV list report will show only one line header, but there will be a requirement someday for you to create a multiple lines header in your ALV list report and in order to do this, you must first set the no_colhead property to “X”...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hiii in your code you have written DATA: ETAB LIKE TABLE OF LINE WITH HEADER LINE, FTAB LIKE TABLE OF LINE. here ETAB is an internal table and above addition like WITH HEADER LINE will also create a work area of the same structure at that time soo...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Soma, I can give one real time example to clear you why not to use internal tables with header line. There was one scenario to post the data in SAP from legacy system using IDOC. Function module/ BAPI was written for the same. Ideally that functio...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HEADER LINE CREATED EXPLICITLY 1.Internal table created by referring to another table Syntax: Data <f> <type> with header line. <type> refers to a table data type or table data objects using type or like. Here internal table <f> is created of the typ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hi, I need to mention that I'm not a developer. I try to learn ABAP I get error message when try to activate my program. DATA: gt_rbkp TYPE HASHED TABLE OF rbkp WITH UNIQUE KEY belnr gjahr, gs_rbkp TYPE rbkp, gt_nast TYPE STANDARD ...