关闭虚拟机,回到设置显卡改为集显,并取消挂载优盘 再开机稍等一会显示器就会有画面了,windows会自动安装显卡驱动,也可以远程桌面手动安装驱动。如果HDMI没有输出,可以尝试OVMF+VBIOS方案。B站已经有教程,这里就不做介绍了 要等到进入系统才有画面 附操作视频 作者声明本文无利益相关,欢迎值友理性交流,和谐讨论~...
Windows 11本身没有对HDMI接口做出限制。HDMI是一种数字化的音视频传输接口,可以将电脑的视频、音频信号传输到显示器、电视等设备上。然而,一些笔记本电脑或台式机在升级到Windows 11操作系统后,可能会出现与HDMI接口相关的问题,比如显示器无法正常显示、声音无法传输等。这些问题可能是由于驱动程序或操作...
There are many posts in regard to using the USB3c socket for HDMI connectivity - , looking at settings/display/ multiple monitors states no monitor detected. Since on Win 10 with the same setup etc, there is no issue, I suggest that this is a Win111 issue which Microsoft should accept a...
亲,您好,很高兴为您服务[嘻嘻][嘻嘻]如果您的Windows 11电脑连接HDMI后没有反应,可能是以下原因导致的:HDMI线连接问题:请检查HDMI线是否连接到电脑和显示器的正确端口,并确保连接牢固。显示器问题:请检查显示器是否正常工作,可以尝试连接其他设备或更换显示器。显卡驱动问题:请检查您的电脑是否安装...
11,908 Views Hello, I'm facing an issue following the windows 11 migration. Indeed, when I connect a device on my HDMI port on my DELL Inspiron 7306 2in1 laptop, the sound is not recognized into windows. I tried, to upgrade my drivers, to deactivate and reactivate the device, I unin...
Connect HDMI cable to the HDMI port of your laptop...it will be detected automatically.
Removing the interface it boots but there are not othe external devices where to update the driver. The driver is available (on Device Manager) only when the interface is connected. And also I already said, when windows it's running and I connect the interface, Windows ...
How to Factory Reset Windows: Complete Guide for Windows 10 and 11 Read More How to Connect Printer to Computer: Complete Guide for Windows and Mac How To Connect Laptop To TV: The Ultimate Guide 1 2 3 Disclosure:Our site may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products feature...
I cannot find an HDMI to USB type A cable. Also, my new HP Laptop Windows 11 has no DVD drivers installed, where do I get them from? Am I wasting my time trying to play DVDs through my HP Laptop. This will be my only entertainment for several months...