To help you overcome this challenge, we've compiled a comprehensive guide outlining 7 effective solutions to fixWindows 11/10 HDMI audio not working. Read on to discover how you can restore your audio and enjoy an uninterrupted entertainment experience. Part 1: Why Is Sound on TV Not Working ...
Hello, I have a problem with my device, before I updated my windows I still can use my TV with HDMI. After an update to this version, I am unable to connect to the TV. Below is the screenshot of my ...
5月26日至6月18日,Windows 11 新一代 PC 京东618专场,爆款机型集中热卖,还有很多精美的购机礼品,蘑菇为大家筛选了几个我认为性价比超高的PC,推荐给大家: Windows新一代PC https://pro.jd.com/mall/active/3BTYRTRC86tV9nivuuke2F4XoCRY/index.html?cu=true&utm_source=www.linkstars.com&utm_medium=tuigua...
Windows11新一代PC https://pro.m.jd.com/mall/active/3BTYRTRC86tV9nivuuke2F4XoCRY/index.html?utm_user=plusmember&gx=RnEwxW9dYWWPmdQSqoB-XxCtTwFbVsT0Or-gdg&ad_od=share&utm_source=androidapp&utm_medium=appshare&utm_campaign=t_335139774&utm_term=CopyURL ...
Additionally, we just wanted to share with you that a direct HDMI connection is still the most reliable method for displaying the Windows PC screen on a TV. And if the wireless display is still not working, there may be compatibility issues with the TV. We recommend that you contact LG an...
Windows 11: Select Bluetooth & devices→ Add device → Wireless display or dock. Select the display device you want to connect to. Note: If the TV connects and displays the Windows screen, then it may be in the Extended Mode. The Windows Logo + P key combination will take you to th...
除了 iCloud 中的照片在 Windows 中更方便访问之外,苹果自家的两大流媒体服务 —— Apple Music 与 Apple TV,都将在明年年内登陆 Windows 11 中,Xbox 端更是即日起就可以下载到 Apple Music 客户端。拓展坞音箱与自适应鼠标 除了主打的 Surface 系列产品之外,本次发布会中微软还带来了两个特殊的硬件:带有...
The HDR display or TV must support HDR10, DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0 or higher, USB-C, or Thunderbolt. To find the specifications for a specific PC or external display, visit the device manufacturer’s website. Whether you have a built-in or external display, we recommend you look for ...