Same Here. Different Bravia models, but have the same problem. Apple TV can turn on its power, but it will not turn off the TV when it goes to sleep. It seems to correspond to the last update, so I check Sony's firmware updates every day. ( As you can see, only when the user...
Search Sony The BRAVIA Sync or Control for HDMI feature does not workThis issue is likely due to errors that are occuring when too many HDMI-CEC devices are connected to the BRAVIA Sync system. The feature allows you to control many devices with one remote control. If you are having proble...
I have a LG HDTV and Have a xbox 360. I have connected the hdmi cable to the back of tv and it is not showing up. Whats the problem? Byanon15307— On Jul 07, 2008 I bought a new tv and DVD player with HDMI connection. TV is connected to regular antenna. Should I use a HDMI...
Support Self Support Contact Support Community Register a Product Sign In Sony Rewards Electronics Registration Electronics Community Sony Sites Search Sony Sony SupportLCD TVs Article ID : 00161073 / Last Modified : 04/19/2021BRAVIA Sync (HDMI-CEC) overview and troubleshooting information...
超简单 弄一条HDMI线就可以了 电视上的HDMI口都是标准的 确认一下笔记本上的HDMI口是跟电视一样大还是小口 而且HDMI的标准是向下兼容的 不用在意线材是什么版本
可以的,就是用hdmi,或者用dp 转 hdmi的线 但如果你的电视是 4k分辨率 的,mac mini 因为系统的关系可能支持的不太好,先用 1080p 分辨率
Random HDMI signal loss with sony bravia tv and apple TV 4k solution when using HDR. FULL PROOF SOLUTION I have had the dreaded HDMI signal loss and black flickering screen . I had switched to the hi end belkin cables that have been recommended without success. But I now have, for me...
4.索尼Bravia XR A95L QD-OLED电视 索尼的设计在色彩、声音和总体性能等各个方面都带来了独特的风味,最重要的是在其 Bravia XR A95L OLED 电视上得到了体现。与之前的三星 S95C 一样,A95L 也将是一笔相当大的投资,但它融合了量子点和 OLED 技术,这意味着您可以获得两种面板技术的原始色彩和高亮度。奇怪...
在探索三星R428笔记本电脑与SONY BRAVIA32寸液晶电视通过HDMI连接时出现电视显示不全的问题时,首先需要理解HDMI连接的基本设置。HDMI连接允许电脑和电视共享同一分辨率,实现内容的一致显示,或是采用不同的分辨率,以适应各自的显示需求。用户选择的是采用不同分辨率的模式,允许电脑显示桌面,同时电视也显示内容...