Gemfibrozil for the secondary 15、prevention of coronary heart disease in men with low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. N Engl J Med , 1999;341:410-418.VA-HIT研究对象2531例冠心病患者(均有心肌梗死史或心绞痛并经冠脉造影证实至少一支冠脉狭窄50%),HDL-C1.0mmol/L(40mg/dL),LDL-C...
aging(men older than 45 and women older than 55), and diseases that cause the liver to produce more cholesterol or prevent it from metabolizing cholesterol are risk factors for high cholesterol. These risks can be minimized by living a healthier...
The association of low plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration with elevated cardiovascular disease risk is firmly established in men and women over a wide age range, across several cardiometabolic disease states, including type 2 diabetes, and in many populations and ethnic ...
Levels above 60 mg/dl (1.6 mmol/L) are associated with low risk of coronary heart disease. This is more likely to be seen among women than men. HDL cholesterol below 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) is considered too low and appears to be an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease....
Such functionally deficient HDLs are enriched in triglyceride and depleted in cholesteryl ester in normotriglyceridemic low HDL-C phenotype, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and postmenopausal women (113, 114, 135, 136, 137), reflecting elevated CETP activity (112). Mechanistically, the ...
Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results from the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial JAMA., 288 (2002), pp. 321-333 Google Scholar 206. The HOPE and HOPE-TOO Tr...
Am J Med 1977WomenMenHDL基础与临床Framingham: HDL-C vs LDL-C as a predictor of CHD risk00.511.522.53Risk of CAD over 4 yrs of follow- up*100 160 220 LDL- C (mg/dl)* Men aged 50-7085 65 4525 HDL - CHDL基础与临床Base 4、line HDL-C and Event Reduction AFCAPS/TexCAPS0 02 24...
According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), hypothyroidism is found in more than 5% of the UK population over the age of 60. Compared to men, women are 5 to 10 times more likely to be affected by this condition. These numbers are expected to surge in the...
Death watch intensifies for HDL-based interventions HDL-C takes an anti-atherosclerotic role by the reverse transport of cholesterol from the peripheral tissues.[sup][7] Moreover, HDL-C may possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions [sup][8] and inhibit the cytokine-induced expression of ...
In these two cohorts, comprising over 50,000 men and 60,000 women followed for up to six years, HDL-C levels, assessed as a continuous variable using restricted spline curves, demonstrated a significant “U-shaped” association with all-cause mortality in both men and women, driven by ...