21/02/22 16:16:53 WARN hdfs.DFSOutputStream: NotReplicatedYetException sleeping /a.COPYINGretries left 4 写过程中,由于 DN 增量上报太慢,导致客户端无法及时 close 文件,会打印一些日志,并重试: 2021-02-22 16:19:23,259 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Could not complete /a.txt retrying... 读过程中,若...
21/02/22 16:16:53 WARN hdfs.DFSOutputStream: NotReplicatedYetException sleeping /a.COPYINGretries left 4 写过程中,由于 DN 增量上报太慢,导致客户端无法及时 close 文件,会打印一些日志,并重试: 2021-02-22 16:19:23,259 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Could not complete /a.txt retrying... 读过程中,若...
如果客户端额外 sleep 时间已超过5s(按默认配置即已经重试了4次),那么会打印一条 INFO 日志,具体为:Could not complete… retrying… client在 12.4s 内一共6次 complete 调用全部失败之后,抛异常,异常信息为:Unable to close file because the last block ... does not have enough number of replicas. 客户...
关闭输出流,flush缓冲区的数据包。 6)再调用FistributedFileSystem.complete(),通知NN节点写入成功,并发送blockreport。 注意:存活的DN满足我们的副本数 就能正常的进行文件写入操作 2.hdfs读流程 2.1流程图 2.2流程详解: 1)Client通过DistributedFileSystem.open(filePath),去与NN进行【RPC】通信,nn会检查该文件是否...
retries--;Thread.sleep(localTimeout);localTimeout *=2;if(Time.monotonicNow() - localstart >5000) {DFSClient.LOG.info("Could not complete "+ src +" retrying...");}}catch(InterruptedException ie) {DFSClient.LOG.warn("Caught exception ", ie);}}} ...
if (!fileComplete) { try { Thread.sleep(400); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - localstart > 5000) { LOG.info("Could not complete file, retrying..."); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } closed = true; } 以上就是HDFS中怎么实现本地文件上传,小编相信有部分知识点可能是我们日...
* It could be used to cleanup, finish pending tasks before exit. */ public void shutdown(); } TheOCIMetricclass can be implemented in three ways: A simpleOCIMetricobject with the following fields: public class OCIMetric { /** * The time in milliseconds (epoch) when the metric was reco...
现象:spark sql 读取文件查询时,报错Could not obtain block BP-xx-xx 分析:通过btrace看,hdfs 操作记录发现中间有两次 连续 append(没有complete/close) 原因(case1):hdfs侧在当前架构上,单进程内对单个文件的并发/多线程操作确实看到了一些并发可能会引起的问题,因为hdfs的写锁机制是按照客户端维度的,所以连续2...
* It could be used to cleanup, finish pending tasks before exit. */ public void shutdown(); } OCIMetricクラスは、次の3つの方法で実装できます。 次のフィールドを含む単純なOCIMetricオブジェクト: public class OCIMetric { /** * The time in milliseconds (epoch) when the metric was ...
It knows the list of blocks that are made up of files in HDFS, not only the list of blocks but also the location of them. Why is a NameNode so important? Imagine that a NameNode is down in your Hadoop cluster. In this scenario, there would be no way you could look up for the ...