ERROR: Disk I/O error: Failed to open HDFS file Disabled invalidate metadata hdfs:///batch_id=NWMISSPAYWRADJ/aa4fbef1c0bb3fd5-85012b8600000018_1953707135_data.0.parqError(2): No such file or directoryRoot cause: RemoteException: File does not exist /app/abc/footable/tablename/account/...
Backend 5:Failed to open HDFS file hdfs://nameservice1/user/hive/warehouse/... Error(255): Unknown error 255 impala in wait_for_completion ImpalaBeeswaxException: <class 'impala.ImpalaBeeswaxException'>:Query aborted:Failed to open HDFS file hdfs://nameservice1/user/hive/warehouse/publ...
A user can override Impala’s choice of memory limit by setting the MEM_LIMIT query option. If the Clamp MEM_LIMIT Query Option setting is set to TRUE and the user sets MEM_LIMIT to a value that is outside of the range specified by these two options, then the effective memory limit w...
starrocks [42000][1064] hdfsOpenFile failed 二. 解决方案 StarRocks的committer在论坛回复我了,原来是打包的问题。 没想到打包名字居然是写死的,而且hive catalog居然受到spark 客户端的影响。 spark jar 打包名字需要是 (既不能是 也不能是, 需要在配置文件中写死为 spa...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Failed to open HDFS file的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Failed to open HDFS file问答内容。更多Failed to open HDFS file相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
用hdfs进行还原时,提示failed to download|signature=323207|job_id=295022|error=[NOT_FOUND]failed to open file for md5sum。备份是在2.0.3版本上进行的,要还原到2.1.0版本跟2.1.1版本就会提示这个错误 What You Expected? 就是能够正常恢复 How to Reproduce? No response Anything Else? No response Are yo...
System Error: Failed to open file "/user/training1/QdotNoTransNoNA/train/data/_1.xdfd". Check to ensure that the filename and path are valid. The command used was: mycXDF <- RxXdfData('/user/training1/QdotNoTransNoNA/train/', fileSystem=hdfs) ...
做机器迁移,导致flink程序写iceberg失败,原因是hive的元数据存储库mysql停了一段时间。 然后flink出现以下异常, org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.NotFoundException: Failed to open input stream for f
Error message - System Error: Failed to open file - running against composite xdf file Applies To
error 25541 failed to open xml file c:\windows\microsoftnet\framework\v4.0.30319\config\ machine.config, system error -2147024786 二、解决办法 - 度娘很温柔,但是缺无法拯救我 方法一. machine.config替换 操作步骤:用C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config.default替换掉C:...