与HCV-RNA检测相比较,HCV-cAg检测的另一个显著优势是它可以使用与HCV-Ab相同的设备仪器开展实验,节省了额外购置设备和建设实验室的成本[12]。 参考文献: [1] Contreras AM, Tornero-Romo CM, Toribio JG, et al. Very low hepatitis C antibody levels predict false-positive results and avoid supplemental t...
与HCV-RNA检测相比较,HCV-cAg检测的另一个显著优势是它可以使用与HCV-Ab相同的设备仪器开展实验,节省了额外购置设备和建设实验室的成本[12]。 参考文献: [1]Contreras AM, Tornero-Romo CM, Toribio JG, et al. Very low hepatitis C antibody levels predict false-positive...
Ten percent (10%) of veterans with positive HCV-Ab by ELISA had no detectable levels of HCV-RNA. 2. More than half (58%) of HCV-RNA-negative patients were also negative by the currently used confirmatory serological test (RIBA). 3. Patients with negative RIBA have statistically ...
在雅培i2000化学发光分析仪校准合格的情况下,环境温湿度符合要求,由熟练操作人员采用厂家提供的检测试剂盒和HCV-Ab定标液对i2000仪器进行定标,定标通过后测定质控,当质控符合要求后进行测试。 1.4 评价方法 HCV抗体检测阳性的标本进行二次离心后复查,复查阳性标本重新采样送我院医学中心进行HCV-RNA确诊。 1.5 判断标准...
1.2仪器、试剂雅培i2000化学发光仪及配套HCV抗体试剂。ARCHITECT丙型肝炎病毒抗体项目采用化学发光微粒子免疫检测法(CMIA),检测HCV基因组中已知的结构蛋白HCr43和非结构蛋白c100-3抗体。1.3方法 在雅培i2000化学发光分析仪校准合格的情况下,环境温湿度符合要求,由熟练操作人员采用厂家提供的检测试剂盒和HCV-Ab定标...
were found in the Ab repertoire of a previously infected individual using computational screening with the Rosetta software suite24. The characterization of these Abs allows for a more precise designation of this class of bNAbs and improvement of our understanding of the sequence-structure relationships...
HCV‐Ab positive result and clinical confirmed hepatitis C are more conform .When the samples ofHCV‐Ab screening result falls in the gray zone range ,we should retest them and detect their RNA ,in order to re‐duce laboratory missed or false positive generation .%目的:分析酶联免疫吸附试验(...
基础医学论文11篇:HCV-cAg与HCV-Ab联合检测的互补作用及HCV阳性者与ALT的关系 等 热度: 功能化铁基金属有机框架对水体中砷的吸附及联合毒性效应 热度: 广东医学 2010年4月第31卷第7期 GuangdongMedicalJournal Apr.2010,Vo1.31,No.7 ·825· t临康研 ...
HIV screening results for HIV Ab are detailed in Table 4. Out of the 301 assessable samples, 6 were excluded from further analysis because the results were read outside the test window of 20–40 min (N = 5), or the HIV test was invalid and was not repeated (N = 1). Of...
Should they be dropped from the donor pool because their donations test unspecifically positive in the HCV-EIA screen, even on a number of occasions over a long period of time, or should they remain in the donor pool as there is a good chance they will convert to negative test results?