1. The perforated whole-cell configuration of patch clamp and the pH fluorescent indicator SNARF were used to determine the electrogenicity of the Na+-HCO3- cotransport in isolated rat ventricular myocytes. 2. Switching from Hepes buffer to HCO3- buffer at constant extra...
Anesthetized, paralyzed dogs after a control period at normal pHa were hyperventilated to produce a hypocapnic alkalosis. The pH, PCO2, (HCO3 minus), and (lactate) in cisternal and lumbar CSF and arterial blood were determined at normal conditions (control) shortly after induction of respiratory...
The distribution of free ions and ion pairs present in the NaCl-NaHCO3-H2O ternary system, at different pH values, is presented in Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 8. Distribution of CO32− species in 4–12 pH range, at IT = 0.5 mol/kg. Figure 9. Distribution of Na+− species ...