and Reichart G.-J. (2017) Impacts of pH and [CO32A] on the incorporation of Zn in foraminiferal calcite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 197, 263-277.Van Dijk, I., De Nooijer, L. J., Wolthers, M., and Reichart, G.- J.: Impacts of pH and [CO23-] on the incorporation of Zn in...
01–0.07mol l−1for at range of alkalinities)and rates of carbon uptake were around400mol carbon g−1DW h−1at an essentially zero CO2concentration at high alkalinity.Rates of photosynthesis,as oxygen evolution,increased with the concentration of bicar-bonate and exceeded the CO2...
CO2and H2O are in a dynamic equilibrium with H+and HCO3−. This equilibrium is rapidly attained by the activity of enzymes from the carbonic anhydrase family8,9,10. Bicarbonate buffering and carbonic anhydrase activity protect brain tissue from acidification by converting H+and...
Ca(OH) 2 + 2(H2CO3) = Ca++(HCO3-)2 + 2(H2O) (calcium bicarbonate buffer in the blood is the net result) An increase of bicarbonates in the bloodstream will prevent aging and the onset of adult degenerative diseases.” Q10: The body has an efficient buffering system which is continu...