密歇根大学Ross MBAHBS(哈佛商学院)是历史最悠久的商学院,也是申请竞争最激烈的商学院之一。2023-2024年度,HBS 第一轮申请的deadline 是今年9月6日,第二轮 deadline是明年1月3日。申请文书延续了往年的经典题目。 从去年2022年入学的数据上来看: - HBS 从全球8264位申请人中enroll了1015人(录取率12.3%) - 前...
In the MBA application process, several parameters may not be under your control now (GPA/employer’s brand, etc), but a whopping56% is still within your immediate control–GMAT, essays, interview, and recommendation letters.You should focus on putting your best foot forwardas far as these a...
While the online application will not open until mid-June, the essay question will remain the same as last year. [Click here to read our HBS application essay tips!] Again, HBS is the first to set sights on the next application cycle. It will shortly be followed by many top MBA program...
就在北美各顶级商学院还在为“延长Deadline”和“补录”而奔忙之际,HBS却已经在上周不疾不徐地公布了2020-2021年度MBA申请季的截止日期,紧接着,在几天后更新的招生主任的Blog中,也正式官宣了今年申请季的Essay题目:还是那道无比经典却也颇具难度的“As we review your application, what more would you like u...
I read the new2020 Harbus MBA Essay Guidewondering what I was going to gain from it. I’ve been reading HBS MBA application essays for 26 years. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I also had read the previousHarbus MBA Essay Guide, and the question Harvard is asking hasn’t ...
-minute essay polishing services by an English major. You should get a great story (it’s great because your peers say so, a fresh pair of eyes say so, or an MBA graduate/admission consultant say so), an overall compelling case, and essay reviews preferably 7 days before the deadline....
Essay #1: What evidence can you present to demonstrate your capacity to perform well academically in the Harvard MBA Program? (1/2 page) Two of my past achievements which provide ample evidence of my ability to excel in graduate studies are: my record during my last two years at college an...
Harvard Business School MBA application deadline for Round 1 is Sep 6, 2024 and for Round 2 is Jan 3, 2025. What is a good GMAT score for Harvard Business School? A GMAT score for 740 and above is considered to be a good score for Harvard. Know more indetail. ...
密歇根大学Ross MBA大家好 众所周知,哈佛商学院HBS是历史最悠久的商学院,也是申请竞争最激烈的商学院之一。大家准备申请时一定要多下功夫!今天我们来为大家解析HBS essay的写作要点。 今年HBS申请文书延续了往年的经典题目。第一轮deadline 是今年9月8日,第二轮 deadline是明年1月5日。从去年2019年入学的数据上来...