In the MBA application process, several parameters may not be under your control now (GPA/employer’s brand, etc), but a whopping56% is still within your immediate control–GMAT, essays, interview, and recommendation letters.You should focus on putting your best foot forwardas far as these a...
1. Doing the actual interview without mock interviews. It’s like going to fight fire without training. You wouldn’t fight fire only after you read about how to fight fire, and the same goes for business school admission interviews. Find an admissionconsultant, or anyone who went through an...
我的面试经验表明,在真正面试的时候,你由于紧张和问题的高密度而根本无从思考,基本是想到什么说什么,因此只有通过大量的Mock,你的这种直接性的反应才会提升,才会自如应用大量的case,否则的话,我的前两次interview就是一个感觉:用的材料很有限,而语言啰嗦就是在BS。 赞 回复 ...
借用XN大牛的一句话,整个HBS的申请就是在问你三个问题:who are you, what have you done, what do you want to do in the future? 我感觉这第一个问题是重中之重 who are you,你的Essay和recommendation就是在interview之前回答这个问题的唯一渠道。整个Essay的package就是在挖掘申请人的价值观,尤其以亘古不...
如果你还不知道每天睡眠6小时会不会影响身体健康,你来读个MBA就知道了;如果你还不知道你有多能喝,来读个MBA就知道了;如果你还不知道你的阅读速度能有多快,来读个MBA就知道了。 HBS的第一年的平均睡眠水间,对于这个问题每个人的回答可能都不一样,但5-6小时应该是大多数人的平均答案。今天来细数一下在HBS读...
如果你还不知道每天睡眠6小时会不会影响身体健康,你来读个MBA就知道了;如果你还不知道你有多能喝,来读个MBA就知道了;如果你还不知道你的阅读速度能有多快,来读个MBA就知道了。 HBS的第一年的平均睡眠水间,对于这个问题每个人的回答可能都不一样,但5-6小时应该是大多数人的平均答案。今天来细数一下在HBS读...
MBA面经大全 + Interview Tips/点评+分校面经 [汇总] 2012年秋季入学 美国Top MBA Deadline&Essays
For expert guidance on your Harvard Business School application, check out Accepted’sMBA Application Packages, which include advising, editing, interview coaching, and a resume edit for the HBS application. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to the Harvard MBA program and look forward...
From strategy development to interview prep, we cover everything in your MBA application journey to ensure your success. 1. Profile Evaluation Get Your Free Profile Evaluation 2. End-to-End Coaching Personalized, one-on-one guidance through the entire application process. We're available via phone...
In the MBA application process, several parameters may not be under your control now (GPA/employer’s brand, etc), but a whopping56% is still within your immediate control–GMAT, essays, interview, and recommendation letters.You should focus on putting your best foot forwardas far as these ...