12 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: kotterleadershbrreallyjohndec WhatLeadersReallyDoKotterReprintr0111fRequiredReadingr0111aBarbaraKellermanHBRSurveyr0111bPersonalHistories:LeadersRememberShapedThemPrimalLeadership:HiddenDriverr0111cGreatPerformanceDanielGoleman,RichardBoyatzis,AnnieMcKeeHBRRoundta...
What Leaders Really Do (HBR Classic) 来自 hbr.org 喜欢 0 阅读量: 37 作者: JP Kotter 摘要: Leadership is different from management, but not for the reasons most people think. Leadership isn't mystical and mysterious. It has nothing to do with having charisma or other special personality ...
"What Makes a Leader?," "What Makes an Effective Executive," "What Leaders Really Do," "The Work of Leadership," "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?," "Crucibles of Leadership," "Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve," "Seven Transformations of Leadership," "Dis...
Leaders, WhatDo, ReallyShould, Why
Trust and showing loyalty.A protege who doesn’t do everything in her power to make her sponsor look smart for backing her is wasting the sponsor’s time.Find each otherLeaders will give their time, attention, and relationship capital only to people who perform exceptionally well.The most ...
“right stuff” to be leaders is more art than science. After all, the personal styles of superb leaders vary: some lead- ers are subdued and analytical; others shout their manifestos from the mountaintops. And just as important, different situations call for different Daniel Goleman is the ...
mirror and ask questions about who he was, what he valued, and what it really meant to be a leader. Since then, the bank’s teamwork and employee opinion scores have dramatically increased, and now there is a high-performing team that ...
was so little broken that his sonEdward the Elderwas able to commence the reconquest of Danish England. Before his death in 924 the small Danish states on old Mercian and East Anglian territory had fallen before him. The more remote Northumbria resisted longer, largely under Viking leaders from...
QuinnWhen we outdo ourselves as leaders, it’s usually because we’re responding to a crisis. But that doesn’thave to be the case. We can get into the zone by asking ourselves four basic questions–and really digging for honest answers.84 Learning in the Thick of ItMarilyn Darling, ...
“do not disturb” sign when you need to focus. If that doesn’t work, try going to a different part of your office, or even another floor of your building. If things are really bad, you can try teaming up with colleagues to designate a ...