检测部署SSL/TLS的服务是否符合行业最佳实践,PCI DSS支付卡行业安全标准,Apple ATS规范。 评级 A+ ATS合格 PCI DSS合格 证书信息 信任状态可信 通用名称share.hblegd.cn 颁发者R3 启用SNI已开启 HTTP2.0支持 加密算法RSA 2048 bits 签名算法SHA256WithRSA ...
加密算法RSA 2048 bits 签名算法SHA256WithRSA 证书类型DV 组织机构-- 部门-- 开始时间2025-01-22 06:57:24 结束时间2026-01-22 06:57:24 HTTPS精选记录 m.wecarepet.com pet.dev.epet.com www.chongzhiling.com www.gansuan.com 18se.bet
enable WE Write enable UB Upper byte select LB Lower byte select VCC Power supply VSS Ground NC No connection 2 HM621664HB Series Block Diagram (LSB) A3 A2 VCC A1 Memory matrix VSS A0 Row 256 rows x A7 decoder 256 columns x 16 bit A6 (1,048,576 bits) A5 A4 (MSB) CS I/O1 . ... CAS Latency The CAS Latency is defined by MR0 (bits A9-A11) as shown in Figure 2.3.2. CAS Latency is the delay, in clock cycles, between the internal Read command and the availability of the first bit of output data. DDR3 SDRAM does not support any half-clock latencies. ... Test Mode The normal operating mode is selected by MR0 (bit A7 = 0) and all other bits set to the desired values shown in Figure 2.3.2. Programming bit A7 to a ‘1’ places the DDR3 SDRAM into a test mode that is only used by the DRAM Manufacturer and should NOT be ...
英国海淘my expert midwife产后舒缓喷剂 Spritz for Bits可帮助准妈妈在怀孕期间、产后舒缓伤口并支持康复~适合从 34 周开始使用~97%天然来源!360度无污染,可放心使用!真的可以舒缓疼痛! 国内很少有人知道!孕期疼痛不要硬抗~感兴趣私信!可走包税路线回国 https://myexpertmidwife.com/...
BL24C08F 上海贝岭BL EEPROM存储器 贴片SOP-8 8Kbits 通用I2C接口 I2C接口 通用 江苏南山电子工业有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥5.00/个 浙江温州 WNRCN 发货迅速 多年经验 对插连接线 dc充电接口 乐清市维诺尔电子科技有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥1899.00/台 江苏苏州 赛秘尔7000 PDU在线全检 测试系统EMS和BMS...
Primarily for the buttons and inserts of rotary percussion bits to cut medium-hard and very hard formations, YK25 14.4 ≥2550 ≥87.2 Primarily for the buttons and inserts of rotary percussion bits to cut medium-hard,hard,and very hard formations. ...
#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespacestd;constintN =1e5+10;intidx, head, e[N], ne[N];voidinit(){ head =-1; idx =0; }voidadd(intx){ e[idx] = x,ne[idx] = head, head = idx++; }voidadd_k(intx,intk){ e[idx] = x, ne[idx] = ne[k], ne[k] = idx++; ...
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; double a,b,c,d,l,r,mid; const double EPS = 0.001; #define EPS1 0.001 double f(double x) { return a*x*x*x+b*x*x+c*x+d; } int main() { int siz=0; scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c,&d); //枚举每一个可能的根 for(...