From the previous exercise (always_case2), there would be 256 cases in the case statement. We can reduce this (down to 9 cases) if the case items in the case statement supported don't-care bits. This is whatcasezis for: It treats bits that have the valuezas don't-care in the com...
value }.inverter val value = in UInt(8 bits) val result = out Bool() result := inverted(isZero(value)) } 将产生: module MyComponent ( input [7:0] value, output result ); wire value_comparator; wire value_comparator_inverter; assign value_comparator = (value == 8'h0); assign ...
With Vivado 2018.2.1 on Artix-7 device (xc7a200tfbg676-2), the instantiated XDMA is enumerated from Linux :) but the xdma module returns error -22 :(. The problem is that the two 32bits memory bar, BAR0 (AXI Master) and BAR1 (DMA), always return 0xFFFFFFFF, instead of the expe...
High-SpeedSolution •CompleteSetof EfficientHardIP Functions –SignificantlyReduces ResourceConsumption 5 Lattice 6 7 8 Niosembededsystem development 9 Stratix-Application 10 Achitecture 11 TechnologySelection •Time-to-Market •Performance •Cost ...
only one bit change at a time, but rest of the bits can be one or zero. Gray coding is popularly used when interfacing between two different clock domains. One more the example is that dual clock FIFO uses gray coding to avoid any mismatch between the post-layout simulation and pre-layou...
Byte AlignerReceived Raw unaligned bits from DDR RX module outputs Aligned bytes, Bytes on MIPI lane does not have any defined byte boundary so this modules Looks for always constant first byte 0xB8 on wire, once 0xB8 is found, byte boundary offset is determined, set output valid to a...
module register8 ( clk, clken, reset_n, data, load, cnt_en, updown, q, q_next ); input clk; input clken; input reset_n; input [7:0] data; input load; input cnt_en; input updown; output [7:0] q, q_next; reg [7:0] addsub; always @(*...
module register8 ( clk, clken, reset_n, data, load, cnt_en, updown, q, q_next ); input clk; input clken; input reset_n; input [7:0] data; input load; input cnt_en; input updown; output [7:0] q, q_next; reg [7:0] addsub; always @(*...
Considering this module is used multiple times throughout my design I'm going to have to choose and see which where I want to take a hit. By exposing q_next I get to save additional states in my main state-machine, will has reduced the overall cost, so there's a ripple effect.. ...
Considering this module is used multiple times throughout my design I'm going to have to choose and see which where I want to take a hit. By exposing q_next I get to save additional states in my main state-machine, will has reduced the overall cost, so there's a ripple effect.. ...