The Effect of HAF on CD44v3, pro-HB-EGF, and HB-EGF in Mouse Skin; CD44 and erbB1 Association In Vitro and In Vivo; CD44, HA, and erbB1 Levels in Young and Elderly SkinGürkan KayaChristian TranOlivier...
The soluble glycoprotein NMB (GPNMB) produced by macrophages induces cancer stemness and metastasis via CD44 and IL-33 Article 29 July 2020 CD276 is an important player in macrophage recruitment into the tumor and an upstream regulator for PAI-1 Article Open access 21 July 2021 Annexin-A1...
Hypothetical Assembly of the CD44v3/HB-EGF/erbB1 Complex and the Mechanism of HAFi-Induced Keratinocyte ProliferationGürkan, Kaya
Hypothetical assembly of CD44v3/HB-EGF/erbB1/HAS/Hyal (hyalurosome) complex and the mechanism of RAL and HAFi-induced keratinocyte proliferation.Laurent BarnesChristian TranOlivier SorgRaymonde HotzDenise GrandPierre CarrauxLiliane DidierjeanIvan Sta...