"regions in transition over threshold"(RIT 超过阈值)问题指的是在 HBase 集群中,处于过渡状态的区域数量超过了系统配置的阈值。这个阈值通常是为了确保集群的稳定性和性能而设置的。当 RIT 数量过高时,可能会导致集群性能下降,因为大量的资源被用于管理这些过渡中的区域,而不是处理正常的读写请求。 3. 分析可能...
该变量持有了regionserver当前持有的所有region的信息,是一个ConcurrentHashMap类型,其key值为region名称 实例变量——regionFavoredNodesMap 对HBase的优化信息。记录了每个region对应的DataNode位置信息,根据该信息我们可以以更小的网络带宽消耗存储和读取数据。 实例变量——recoveringRegions 记录了当前处于恢复状态的region的...
//配置向master进行region的region个数 this.numRegionsToReport = conf.getInt( "hbase.regionserver.numregionstoreport", 10); //超时时间 this.operationTimeout = conf.getInt( HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT, HConstants.DEFAULT_HBASE_CLIENT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT); this.shortOperationTimeout =...
紧跟着CDH HBase Master(active)节点是红色的,显示信息:HBase Regions In Transition Over Threshold 这时我知道又遇见HBase RIT了。 2.常见解决方法: 2.1 重启HBase,尝试了2次后,发现HBase Master(active)节点是依旧红色的 虽然我们可以连接HBase,但是查询速度(dbeaver工具+Phoenix)上是非常慢的, 还抛错一个错...
-timelag <timeInSeconds> Process only regions that have not experienced any metadata updatesinthe last <timeInSeconds> seconds. -sleepBeforeRerun <timeInSeconds> Sleep this many seconds before checkingifthe fix workedifrun with -fix -summary Print only summary of the tables and status. ...
Generally less regions makes for a smoother running cluster (you can always manually split the big regions later (if necessary) to spread the data, or request load, over the cluster); 20-200 regions per RS is a reasonable range. 可见,通常情况下每个节点拥有20200个Region是比较正常的。借鉴于20...
Regions in Transition over Threshold Counts the number of regions in transition that exceed the threshold as defined by the property rit.metrics.threshold.time. REGION SERVERS Name The name of the region server. Start Time The HBase master start time. Region Server - Region Details ParameterDescri...
| [HBASE-25329](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-25329) | Dump region hashes in logs for the regions that are stuck in transition for more than a configured amount of time | Minor | . | | [HBASE-25475](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-25475) | Improve unit...
//is a balanced write-load on the regions in a table, we might end up //overwhelming the filesystem with too many flushes at once. requester.requestDelayedFlush(r, randomDelay); 3.1.2 HBase flush的影响分析 大部分Memstore Flush操作都不会对数据读写产生太大影响,比如MemStore级别的flush、Regio...
Region in transition 的个数 ritCountOverThreshold 个 Region in transition 时间超过阈值的 Region 个数 集群RIT 时间 ritOldestAge ms Region in transition 的最老年龄 每个RS 平均 REGION 数 averageLoad 个 每个RegionServer 平均 Region 数 集群RS 数量 numRegionServers 个 当前存活的 RegionServer 个数 num...