Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a form of hemoglobin. The HbA1c test is a routine test for people with diabetes. The normal range of HbA1c is less than 6% and measures blood glucose levels over a period of time.
F-test revealed that all measured PG levels significantly correlated with HbA1c (P<0.01). Pre-breakfast PG correlated with HbA1c more strongly than post-breakfast PG within the same month of PG measurement. The correlation coefficients in the range of each patient were compared in order to ...
In the group with normal OGTT, 16% had fasting plasma glucose concentrations above the upper normal limit, but the range of HbA1c values did not differ from that of healthy controls. In the group with impaired OGTTs (n=20), elevated HbA1c values were found only in subjects with elevated...
Determination of a diabetes control and complications trial – aligned HbA(1c) reference range in pregnancy. Clin Chim Acta. 2001;311(2):157–9. Article Google Scholar Hanson U, Hagenfeldt L, Hagenfeldt K. Glycosylated hemoglobins in normal pregnancy; sequential changes and relation to birth...
Results are presented as means (±SEM) or as medians (interquartile range) if normal distribution assumptions were not met as assessed by visual examination. AUC was calculated using the trapezoidal rule. Net AUC was calculated by subtracting area below baseline values from the AUC. A linear mi...
(range 0.27–0.47). Glucose CV did not correlate with TIR and TAR (P > 0.05 in both) (Fig.3A,B) as in the case of HbA1c (Fig.2C). However, glucose CV significantly correlated with TBR, indicating that the increase in glucose CV was associated with increase in hypoglycemia (Fig...
In terms of body composition, self-reported BMI results show that 43.6% fall into the normal range (BMI <25) while 33.3% were overweight (BMI 25–29) and 23.1% were obese (BMI ≥30) based on World Health Organization BMI cut points for adults [19]. The adjusted cut points for Asian...
This study demonstrates that a HbA1c value consistent with a new diagnosis of diabetes (≥48 mmol/mol) is associated with a greater than eight fold risk of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the next 12 months compared to a HbA1c in the normal range (<42 mmol/mol). Abstract Back...
The acceptable postoperative range in the awake patient is 6–12 mmol/L with a variable-rate intravenous insulin infusion and 4–12 mmol/L without the infusion. (f) Safe discharge planning, patient education and communication with community teams to provide ongoing post-discharge support. HbA1C...
Normal HbA1c levels fall within the range 4%–6% [10]. A variety of techniques, including liquid chromatography [11,12], electrophoresis [13,14], affinity and ion-exchange chromatography [15,16], immunoassay [17,18], and spectrophotometry [19,20], are currently available for determining Hb...