Gender relations Water –Income – Institutions – Infrastructure – Entitlements – Intrahousehold dynamics – Gender relations Food –Dietary diversity – Nutrition security – Preparation & knowledge Water –Sufficient quantity and quality for drinking, cooking, cleaning, & bathing – Water for ...
Those who have been injured by an FO in food may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer of the food or the party responsible for preparing the food. Each U.S. state is different on rulings, although the Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection ...
Coastal communities are highly exposed to ocean- and -related hazards but often lack an accurate population and infrastructure database. On January 15, 2022 and for many days thereafter, the Kingdom of Tonga was cut off from the rest of the world by a de
Chapter 1 Defining Natural Hazards – Large Scale Hazards The natural forces at work on planet Earth have been an integral part of life since the dawn of mankind. The impacts of hazards of natural origin can range from affecting infrastructure, personal possessions, and ecosystems to negatively ...
Lahars are rapid flows of mud–rock slurries that can occur without warning and catastrophically impact areas more than 100 km downstream of source volcanoes. Strategies to mitigate the potential for damage or loss from lahars fall into four basic catego
The synthesis and evaluation of MOFs based nano pesticides involve a series of steps: i) MOF selection. First, a suitable MOF that can efficiently encapsulate the pesticide molecule must be chosen based on pore size, stability, and compatibility with the pesticide molecule; ii) MOF preparation. ...
and economic factors to predict the number of displaced persons per event in the affected regions. Here we show that displacements can be primarily attributed to the combination of poor household conditions and intense precipitation, as revealed through the interpretation of the trained models using bo...
Inhabitants of Guadeloupe are chronically exposed to low dose of chlordecone via local food. The corresponding health impacts have not been quantified. Nevertheless the public authority implemented an exposure reduction program in 2003. We develop methods for quantifying the health impacts of chlordecon...
Major natural disasters have occurred frequently in the last few years, resulting in increased loss of life and economic damage. Most emergency responders
Inhabitants of Guadeloupe are chronically exposed to low dose of chlordecone via local food. The corresponding health impacts have not been quantified. Nevertheless the public authority implemented an exposure reduction program in 2003. We develop methods for quantifying the health impacts of chlordecon...