Additional Info: Like I said above, this is one of a few native plants related to Plumeria which are in the family Apocynacea, the other native plants in this family include maile (Alyxia oliviformis) which is still faily common; holei (Ochrosia spp.) which is very rare; and kaulu (...
History of the national park; Information on Native Hawaiian use of the land and management of plants; Details of the development of a plant collection program.MartinJimSchusterLauraCarterEBSCO_AspEcological Restoration
Polynesians and Europeans significantly reduced the extent of native vegetation types, and Europeans introduced non-native plants that have become highly invasive. The Hawaiian Islands have been extremely susceptible to invasion due to the fact that they are oceanic islands; they contain low intensities...
Accumulation of nitrogen (N) by native Hawaiian riparian plants from surface water was measured under a controlled experimental mesocosm setting. Four species, Cladium jamaicense, Cyperus javanicus, Cyperus laevigatus, and Cyperus polystachyos were tested for their ability to survive in coconut fiber...
FERN FAMILIES AND GENERAKEY TO FERN GENERA AS FOUND IN HAWAI‘I1.Plants aquatic or rooted to bottoms of intermittent ponds, swamps, or streams (2).1.Plants terrestrial, epipetric, or epiphytic (6).2(1).Plants free-floating on water surface; leaves above water surface simple or lobed (3...
and subalpine shrublands. All Hawaiian yellow-faced bees depend on an intact community of native plants and are mostly absent from habitats dominated by non-native plant species. These bees require a habitat with a diversity of plants that flower throughout the year so that a consistent source ...
In a few cases where hermaphrodite plants were used as maternal parents, the pollen grains were blown away from 328 the flower heads before the stigmas were receptive. Strong protandry in the Hawaiian species of Bidens efficiently prevents seif-fertilisation. No attempt was made to emasculate the...
Climatic and edaphic factors vary dramatically over short distances in these islands, providing numerous niches to which plants may become adapted. This ecological diversity has been accompanied by the evolution of literally hundreds of species unique to these islands (Carson, 1987). Mueller-Dombois ...
Most non-native Drosophila included in this study were infected with supergroup A; however, infection by supergroup B Wolbachia within non-native D. suzukii individuals could be explained by their occasional use of native plants [31]. Full strain typing profiles, if available, could be used to ...
has been developed to teach participants about aquaponics technology, planting and harvesting plants, fish health, and water quality. The curriculum also integrates Native Hawaiian stories, metaphors, language, and protocol and addresses the impact of historical trauma on dismantling the traditional food ...