Hawaiian plants represent a special rich source because many species that grow in Hawaii grow nowhere else. Conventional analytical techniques are of limited utility in this connection because the demonstration of the desired medicinal activity must precede the identification and isolation of the ...
Garcia FR, Ovruski SM, Suárez L, Cancino J, Liburd OE (2020) Biological control of tephritid fruit flies in the Americas and Hawaii: a review of the use of parasitoids and predators. InSects 11(10):662. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11100662 Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar...
Another common Ficus species is the creeping fig (F. pumila), which has oval or heart-shaped, dark-green leaves and is a climbing vine-like plant. As the creeping fig matures, it develops dense foliage of leathery, lighter-green, oblong leaves that are 2- to 4-inches long. The narrow...
Early cultivated wheat and broadening of agriculture in Neolithic China. Holocene 17, 555–560 (2007). Google Scholar Sherratt, A. in Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World (ed. Mair, V.) 30–61 (Hawaii Univ. Press, 2006). Long, T. et al. The early history of wheat in China ...
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Botany Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa; 2014. 45. Fetene A, Bekele T, Lemenih M. Diversity of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and their source species in Menagesha-Suba Forest. Ethiop J Biol Sci. 2010;9:11–34. 46. Khakurel D, Uprety Y, Luczaj L, Rajbhandary S. ...
Resistance of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) to Insecticides in Hawaii: Spatial Patterns and Relation to Insecticide Use For 16 populations of Aphis gossypii from Hawaii, comparison of LC50s showed up to 3.6-fold resistance to endosulfan (an organochlorine), 390-fold resistan... RG ...
Identification of optimal subcellular prediction workflows To test the hypothesis that a bioinformatics workflow could reach parity with experimental methodology, the accuracy of six subcellular prediction algorithms including TargetP43, WoLF PSORT40, PredSL46, Localizer41, Multiloc252, and PCLR38was first...
Hariharan GN, Krishnamurthy KV, Upreti DK (2003) Lichens of Shervaroy hills of Eastern Ghats, India. Phytotaxonomy 3:1–23 Google Scholar Heinbokel JF (1986) Occurrence ofRichelia intracellularis(cyanophyta) within the diatomsHemiaulus haukiiandH. membranaceusof Hawaii. J Phycol 22:399 ...
Nucleic acid-based techniques are the ones that can provide reliable and rapid results for their detection and identification. As it is very difficult to cure the plants already infected by viruses or viroids, the practical option available for the management of diseases caused by them is the ...