Taika Waititi was still playing into the future of the studio’s master plan, yet he got to toss out much of what had been done with the God of Thunder in “Thor: Ragnarok” and cast him like the offbeat protagonists of his Kiwi comedies to find humor and heart where there had previo...
“Donald Trump doesn’t make empty promises. I think promises made, promises kept. And that’s why we’re all there to carry out his directive about making America safe and prosperous.” story So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those w...
Now there have been ground crew distributing printed messages of Vince to known dark brothers who could become of the light and are mostly trapped by the financial situations they are in and need help out. We have had... 分享182赞 boombeach吧 aweieugene An importan...
out come the usual blandishments ... as if their death is there to be used. I'm not prepared to do this with Andy. I just hope … wherever Andy has gone … that he’s OK. He will never die as long as
the cannon fodder. In this game there is no place for countless struggles with minor minions serving under the lords of the mysterious prison, which the main hero is trying to escape from. This place is guarded only by the best of the best, opponents who would be bosses in any other ...
LEVITT: So it is interesting that the men’s game and the women’s game is — the rules are essentially the same, except for the size of the ball and the 3-point line at the pro level. Has there ever been any discussion of lowering the rim in women’s basketball? It doesn’t see...
Hay growing along the rivers to the Klamath Lake watershed has been shut down or greatly curtailed, and there were things like the demand that the wells for a college and the regional hospital were too close to the river (IIRC, 1 mile from the shoreline falls in the Tribal Water Rights ...
On one of the site's forums, there's a notice thread at the top welcoming women: "If you've come to LS.com because you think you are LS or incel yourself, tell us your story in good faith, and don't expect any special treatment by virtue of being female (no 'pussy pass'), an...