April 20, 1999, was a horrifying day in Colorado's history. The mass shooting that took place at Columbine High School sadly took the lives of 12 students and one teacher. Another 21 people were also injured in the attack. The two shooters ended up killing themselves on the scene. The h...
Expressions of Power in the Narratives of School Shooter Communications Much of the prior research done on school shooters has been attempting to identify different kinds and their non-linguistic behavioral patterns (Langman, 2009), or revealing that these incidents are incited by an individual being...
The Association between the Functional Movement Screen(Tm), Y-Balance Test, and Physical Performance Tests in Male and Female High School Athletes. Int. J. Sports Phys. Ther. 2019, 14, 911–919. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Bennett, H.; Chalmers, S.; Milanese, S.; Fuller, J. The ...