PURPOSE:To hatch the whole of an internal part even when other graphic exists in the internal part of a triangle by selecting a peak point and a reference border line, and calculating and hatching two pairs of the border points on the basis of the selected line. CONSTITUTION:A data processi...
As a tip for saving texture memory, we prepare a few stroke textures with only certain tones anddirections, and compose requisite stroke types in real time. Furthermore, we develop some forms of "indication"to convey the impression of a texture without drawing every single stroke, which makes...
thesoftware-engineeringindustry.Inthisappendix,wediscussfundamentalobject-ori- enteddesignpatternsandarchitectures,aswellastheirimportanceinconstructingwell- engineeredsoftware. ThisappendixpresentsseveraldesignpatternsinJava,butthesecanbeimplementedin anyobject-orientedlanguage,suchasC++orVisualBasic.Wedescribeseveraldesig...
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, and encompasses a range of exciting clubs and activities we undertake across our working week: Science Club, Coding club, cookery club outside of the traditional focus on numeracy skills development in number recognition, calculations and he...