Drawing techniques used with ink can be as varied as the artists that use them. There are, of course, a few that are used with some frequency. Let's take a look at each technique in detail... Hatching Hatching is a technique used to add value in a linear fashion. The lines used in...
Colored pencil crosshatching.H South, licensed to About.com, Inc. Crosshatching is basically two layers of hatching drawn at right-angles. This is a very useful technique in colored pencil drawing. You can use crosshatching to create a darker area within a layer of hatching, or to create a...
Chapter1BasicKnowledgeofEngineeringDrawing 1.1RelatedProvisioninNationalStandards 1.2DrawingMethods1.3TechniquesforDrawing2DObjects1.4DrawingSkill 1.1RelatedProvisionsinNationalStandards Engineeringdrawingisanimportantdocumentationusedduringtheprocessofdesignandmanufacturing.Forthesakeofconvenienceincommunication,alldrawing...