Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
Define hatchingly. hatchingly synonyms, hatchingly pronunciation, hatchingly translation, English dictionary definition of hatchingly. n. 1. Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading. 2. The process of decorating with such lines. American Heritage
cross-hatchingn(art: shading with lines)(艺术手法)SCSimplified Chinese交叉排线,交叉排线法 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: hatch[hætʃ] In[c] 1(Naut) 舱(艙)口cāngkǒu 2(esp Brit) (also:serving hatch) 小窗口xiǎo chuāngkǒu[个gè] ...
Crosshatching is an extension of hatching, which uses fine parallel lines drawn closely together to create the illusion of shade or texture in a drawing. Crosshatching is the drawing of two layers of hatching at right-angles to create a mesh-like pattern. Multiple layers in varying directions ...
athe definition for the term powder metallurgy is "the art of producing metal powders and objects shaped from individual,mixed,or alloyed metal powders,with or without the inclusion of nonmetallic constituents,by pressing or moulding objects which may be simultaneously or subsequently heated to produce...
Drawing as formal artistic creation might be defined as the primarily linear rendition of objects in the visible world, as well as ofconcepts, thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and fantasies given visual form, of symbols and even of abstract forms. This definition, however, applies to all graphic ...