Russia plants fake news abroad to sway public opinion in the direction that the Kremlin prefers. Today is the age of the cyberwar, yet cyberwar crimes on the Internet have not been targeted for international prosecution. The International Telecommunications Union, with nation-states as members, ...
anyone?) but Kelsey Grammer is so darned good as an over-actor (and also as a just-right actor on the Shakesperean stage) that he pulls it off. Best. TV Comedy. Ever.
fearful aristocrats sought to blend in with the proletariat by traveling on the right as well.Regardless of the origin,Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered,including Russia,Switzerland and Germany.Hitler,in turn,ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in ...
For many, many months and well before Ukraine-Russia, I have been saying that Europe is DELIBERATELY being destroyed. This is not accidental. It is an intentional controlled demolition of Europes economy in order to further enslave its populace. --TomNol
Ukraine sees itself as being attacked by Russia, while Russia sees ‘the collective West’ (as it calls it) as attacking it. Perhaps the Pakistani wordcircularapplies here? I wish this circle could be opened and flattened into a straight line with a beginning and an end, across which diplom...
You don’t really believe that what arose in Russia and Chile was anything like a free market do you? Say it with me. Fascism! The former government operated industries were turned over to politically connected cronies. We haven’t even had a truly free market in the ...